
Dirty Pictures opens May 4, 8-11 at Shinola

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J.M. Giordano “Here’s Your Box Back”

“Dirty Pictures” attempts to give an overview of contemporary artists who’s work is inspired and informed by pornography. They address issues of sexuality and commercialism through such diverse media as embroidery (Jade Gorman), mixed media collage (Kelly Walker, Julie Goodwin), flipbooks (Uli Loskot), photography (J.M. Giordano, Kimberly Stark), digital media (Marceline White & Bryan Stober) and painting (Daniel Van Allen, Michael S. Wiggs, Peter Goode, Nathan St.Clair, Ramsay Barnes, Spoon Popkin).

this exhibit was organized by Spoon Popkin

Shinola Gallery, 882 PARK AVE, Baltimore, MD 21201
May 3- May 31
opening Friday May 4th 8-11pm
featuring DJ Woman playing all pre 1970 funk & soul

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Ramsay Barnes “Chopping Wood”

Ramsay Barnes
Melissa Caroline
J.M. Giordano
Peter Goode
Julie Goodwin
Jade Gorman
Uli Loskot
Spoon Popkin
Kimberly Stark
Bryan Stober
Nathan St. Clair
Kelly Walker
Marceline White
Michael S. Wiggs
Daniel Van Allen

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Julie Goodwin “Fisticuffs”

for more information & a preview of works go to:

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