Feel This Dead Vibration (Nostalgia for No Future)
November 29th – December 21st / Opening November 29th 7-10pm
with performances and video to follow. The Scarcity of Tanks (Matt Wascovitch and Bmore guest bassist Nate Bell), Shaun Flynn solo
Exploring the aesthetic of rock-as-elegy… or how the current state of rock nostalgia is a harbinger of the apocalypse. Rock & roll aesthetics defined as the gestures of insubordination, youth, rebellion, anger, disobedience, radicalism, forbidden sexuality, and experimentation. A generation that has the history of rock culture’s peak behind it, and now witnesses repetitions more or less hollow in the public theater of culture: Kurt Cobain’s suicide and banal quote of “not fade away” and the resurgence of past musical stylings as ultra-fast era montage.
Jon Routson (video) / Evan Greenfield (sculpture) / Erika Somogyi (drawing) / Shaun Flynn (sculpture + performance) / Winston McCarthy (sculpture + video + performance + photo) / Jessica Rylan (installation + performance) / Sophia Dixon (drawing) / Danny Perez (video) / Nicky Smith (video) / Emily Geanacopoulos (video)/ Matt Lock (drawing)
Curated by Liz Flyntz