“Light Show” Film Screenings
Thursday, April 24, 2008
7 – 8:30 p.m.
Doors open at 6:30
Contemporary Museum
100 West Centre Street
Baltimore, Maryland
The Contemporary Museum and Stateless Cinema will present six short, experimental films that explore light and darkness, both literal and emotional, in Light Show on Thursday, April 24.
Taking the Contemporary Museum’s current exhibition Double Take: The Poetics of Illusion and Light as a point of inspiration, Stateless Cinema has organized this program of films and videos by artists, including New York Near Sleep for Saskia by Peter Hutton, Private Movies by Naomi Uman, Tuareg by Bruce Checefsky, Observando El Cielo by Jeanne Liotta, [B]lack by Kenyatta Forbes, and Alice Sees the Light by Ariana Gerstein.
The films show subtle changes of light and landscape in New York; the shadows cast by lace, artificial silk flowers, plants and trees; the impact of commercial security lighting on an artist’s environment; and celestial recordings examining how natural and artificial light effect emotions and perceptions of different objects, places, and situations.
Admission to Light Show is $5, $3 for students with college ID.