Welcome to: ONE PARK
April 26 – May 25
Reception Thursday May 8, 7-9:30
New work, maps, and ideas documenting Baltimore’s interwoven greenspace, open space, and parks; and the ways residents are working together to activate and reclaim the city’s landscapes.
Featuring Work By:
Barclay/ Greenmount Community, Gwynns Falls Trail Council, Homestead Harvest Community Garden, Eric Leshinsky, Our Community Garden, Veleska Populoh, Fred Sharman, Watershead 263, Diane Wheaton, Ziger/Snead, and more
Welcome One Park is part of The Baltimore Maps Festival, made possible by a grant form the Baltimore Community Foundation, the Baltimore Development Council, the Maryland State Arts Council, Mayor Sheila Dixon and the Baltimore Office of Promotion and the Arts
Current Gallery & Artist Cooperative
30 South Calvert Street
Baltimore Md 21202
School 33 Art Center is pleased to announce the opening of our next exhibition, Maps on Purpose: The Big Picture, on view May 8 through June 14, 2008. An Opening Celebration will be held Thursday, May 8, 5-7pm. The evening includes live music, children’s mapping activities, and more—fun for the whole family! This event is in association with and conceived by Art on Purpose, an organization that uses art to bring people together around issues and ideas. Art on Purpose has worked to establish a new model for community-based art, one in which a museum exhibition is used as a catalyst for civic engagement through art making, exhibiting, and programming.
Inspired by The Walters Art Museum’s extraordinary exhibition, Maps: Finding Our Place in the World, Art on Purpose held artistic map-making workshops in fall 2007 with youth and adults from 23 different Baltimore communities. Numerous maps, drawings, photographs, and preliminary sketches from the workshops are brought together for Maps on Purpose: The Big Picture.
School 33 Art Center gallery hours are 10am-4pm Tuesday through Friday, with extended 10am-7pm hours on Thursday, and Noon-4pm Saturday. All exhibits and events are free and open to the public and take place at School 33 Art Center, 1427 Light Street , Baltimore , MD 21230 .
Maps on Purpose: The Big Picture is part of the Baltimore Festival of Maps, a citywide celebration of all-things mapping from March 15 through June 8 with more than 45 exhibitions, tours, seminars, performances, lectures, hands-on activities, workshops, and films. For the complete schedule of Baltimore Festival of Maps activities, visit www.BaltimoreFestivalofMaps.com.