Scary New Artscape Photos from Rene Trevino at Photo Booth
I think I like the toilet one the best, but Sasquatch Baby and Scorpion Lady are good too.
… and, honestly, I don’t feel that bad about it. I saw some of the satellite shows – of course, the Sondheim exhibit and the semi-finalists, but that is about it. I have heard a lot of positive talk about the new Charles street section of Artscape – lots of interesting installations and interactive art, and I am sad to have missed the half pipe. Alex at ten tigers did a great job covering the penned show, midway section, and the outdoor lounge, so check that out to see some pictures.
Since I have no artscape memories, I wondered if some of YOU out there would send me your favorite artscape pics???? I know you are out there! I have a counter on this thing. Send them to [email protected], with your name and any kind of link and I will post them here.
Some of these are from the Baltimore site and others from the Baltimore Sun Blog, ‘baltimore by hand‘ written by Christy Zuccarini.
I have to admit – if I had known there was going to be a foto-monkey at Artscape, I would have made more of an effort!