Film & Video Works-In-Progress from Catherine Pancake & Chiara Giovando!
WHEN: Friday, March 6, 2009. All shows are open to the public. All shows start at 8:30 pm. $6 suggested donation.
WHERE: Carriage House, 2225 Hargrove St. between St. Paul and N. Calvert, South of 23rd St. Look for the yellow light. Carriage House is a beautifully renovated carriage house located in lower Charles Village. The venue provides an intimate but ample setting for these unique performances. All events are open to the public.
WHAT: The Los Solos Series is an innovative monthly series of solo performances by groundbreaking female artists including dancers, musicians, writers, filmmakers, conceptual artists, theatrical performers, performance artists, and curators. The series is curated by visual artist Jackie Milad and musician/writer Bonnie Jones.
WHO: The series features nationally and internationally acclaimed artists from Baltimore and throughout the US who are highly innovative within their disciplines. The next show features work-in-progress projects from filmmaker / video artists Catherine Pancake and Chiara Giovando.• CATHERINE PANCAKE (Baltimore): Catherine is an artist and cultural worker currently residing in Baltimore. Her creative work focuses on revealing obscure/marginalized processes, narratives, social relationships, or conflicts through film/video and sound production.
For the Los Solos show Catherine will screen her two most recent work-in-progress films: Dr.O’Goul’s Oeuvre Fantastique, (developed as part of the MICA retrospective of Laure’s work) and Jay Dreams.• CHIARA GIOVANDO (LA/Baltimore): Chiara Giovando was born in northern New Mexico in 1976. She moved to Baltimore in 2002 in order to participate in a community of musicians and artists involved in transgressive consciousness. Her musical psyche is an amalgamation of intuition and critical thought. This can be a tumultuous union, at times leading to rash judgementalism, at other times to the detailed expression of sensed truths. She uses empathic prejudice in order to communicate her music. She has toured to several cities in America as well as performing in Berlin, Hong Kong, Tai Wan, and Rome. Her career has been jarred by abrupt periods of self imposed isolation, but this has left Chiara with an indispensable quality of passage.
Chiara is currently living and working Los Angeles pursing a Masters degree at CalArts in Video/Film. For Los Solos she will be screening her newest work-in-progress video Archaic Smile.
WEBSITE: For more info:
WHY: In the city known for its collaborative zeitgeist, the LOS SOLOS Series hopes to also recognize the strength of its solo performers. This is the third collaborative project for curator/organizers Bonnie Jones & Jackie Milad. Previous projects include CHELA art space and Transmodern Festival.