Guns and Chandeliers: Works by Shannon Cannings and Jessica Dunegan
Gallery Imperato
January 30 – March 14, 2009
What to look at first? Hmmmmm.
Artist Shannon Cannings, next to her large painting of a cap gun. She came from Texas for the reception last Friday, January 30.
Curator Cheri Landry takes a few photos.
Art Mavens check out Dunegan’s smaller chandelier paintings.
The food room was LOCKED! Good thing I had dinner before…
Jessica Dunegan’s resin-y chandelier painting.
Shannon Canning’s Cap Gun painting
A smaller work on paper by Cannings.
Cheri Landry, Director of Gallery Imperato
Dana Reifler and Imperato Art Intern Sean Reichert. Is that a plate of lettuce?
Man Sandwich! Dave Herman, myself, and Alex Foley
Dana and Mike, no. 1 art fan
Mike and Guillaume
Pretty in Purple: Shannon Cannings and Cheri Landry