PostSecret: Confessions on Life, Death and God
Hillyer Art Space
Exhibition | May 1 – June 26
First Friday Reception: June 5, 2009, 6-9PM
Become part of PostSecret! Postcards and materials will be available for all to confess their own secrets (Postcards will be displayed at Hillyer throughout the show and then given to Frank Warren to add to his collection) $5 suggested donation
In November 2004, Maryland resident Frank Warren launched a community art project that would soon become a worldwide phenomenon known as PostSecret. By handing out postcards and leaving them in public places around Washington, D.C, Warren invited strangers to anonymously send him their secrets. Within one month, Warren received more than 150 postcards and today he has collected over 350,000 postcards…and counting!
The exhibit, PostSecret: Confessions on Life, Death and God, takes its title from Warren’s upcoming book expected to be released in the fall of this year. The displayed postcards unearth a myriad of private thoughts concerning spirituality, religion and faith. Addictively compelling, the cards reveal our deepest fears, desires, regrets and obsessions. Warren calls them “graphic haiku,” beautiful, elegant and small in structure but emotionally powerful.
International Arts & Artists is a non-profit organization dedicated to increasing cross-cultural understanding and exposure to the arts internationally through exhibitions, programs and services to artists, arts institutions, and the public. IA&A programs include:
Traveling Exhibition Service | USArts International Training Program | Design Studio | Membership Services and the Arts Partnership | Hillyer Art Space
9 Hillyer Court NW | Washington, DC | 20008 | MAP
T. 202.338.0680 | Gallery Hours: 10am – 5pm Monday,
10am – 7pm Tuesday – Friday, 11am – 4pm Saturday, Otherwise by appointment