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There was a lot of news this week!
There was a lot happening on the internet this week.
The internet was good, but also a little shocking, this week.
I was excited by the internet this week!
The internet was a lot this week.
The internet was insightful, but also FUNNY this week.
This week was too much.
The internet had me a little mad this week.
It's Black History Month!!!
The internet was increasingly difficult to be on this week, and I don’t think next week will be any better.
This week was all about The Sculpture™.
The Internet was everywhere and nowhere this week.
“Nothing good has happened in a while. I seriously can’t remember anything memorable other than things going to shit. The only good things are people/s reactions to those things.”
The Internet was a hot mess this week.
The Internet was all Wowwowwow this week!