the inaugural annual sweatpant city art show  will be held september 3rd & 4th from 6-9pm, featuring an installation comprised of over 500 hand-written pages in which varying degrees of encoding a stream of consciousness are explored to push the boundaries of creative writing in a way that cannot be replicated by a computer

spanning two years, this “book” chronicles adventures across north america and europe to source experiential inspiration for
the five projects of psuperhamb:

photos (shared at
pages (pen/pastels on paper 8.5”x11”/9”x12″)
paintings (acrylic/mixed media on canvas 30”x64”)
psculpture (wood carvings and welding)
psocial (building bridges across communities through sharing art)

examples of which will also be on view (in addition to the primary installation) and will continue to be developed indefinitely, with annual presentations of the progress every september

if you are unable to attend the receptions, appointments can be made during business hours on both days

tuesday september 03 – 04
6-9pm | or by appointment

for location and more details, please contact [email protected]

Add to Calendar 20240904 America/New_York annual sweatpant city art show