The ART SETS YOUR IMAGINATION FREE: 1st Annual Art Fundraising Event will take place September 10, 2020. The celebration will begin at 7:00 PM ET for all to enjoy. Be sure to download the calendar reminder to mark your calendar for the event!
Who Should Attend
This online event is for art enthusiasts of all ages. Creators, consumers, and connoisseurs alike. We will all be gathering to celebrate art in its most expressive form, true.
How Does it Work
Follow LAC on your favorite social media platform.
Visit on September 10th, 7:00PM.
Visit LACs YouTube channel on September 10th, 7:00PM.
Watch for free … Give what you can.
Tell a friend. Two dollars is too easy.
What Now
You can visit LACs website,, before the event to see the organizations and individuals working together to build better.
We look forward to your participation!