Title: Big Queer Book Party: Tea Leaves by Jacob Budenz with DJ Amsies, Tonee Moll, and More!
Location: Current Space
Tickets: $10 suggested donation, nobody turned away for lack of funds: https://withfriends.co/ event/16621139/big_queer_book_ party_tea_leaves_by_jacob_ bundez
Facebook Event: https://fb.me/e/ 1d4mOqudk
Date & Time: September 20th, Doors at 6, show at 7
Description: Big Queer Book Party: Tea Leaves by Jacob Bundez – outside at Current Space!
Additional Readings:
Sylvia Jones
Tonee Moll
Special Guests:
DJ Amsies
Alex D’Agostino
Molesuit Choir
& Tarot by Soleil
About the book: A queer romance spans multiple reincarnations, but only in doomed cities. A gay medieval scholar must testify for his life to the sentient octopus who has him trapped in a French Quarter cafe bathroom. A lesbian food truck power couple caters a gay wedding in Lafayette as the spirits of the air and land attempt to sabotage their ill-fated union. Heralded by Baynard Woods (author of Inheritance: an Autobiography of Whiteness) as “fabulous, in every sense… quick and sharp, full of charms that whisk us into the darkest forests of the human condition,” Tea Leaves explores the urgency of contemporary queer life in encounters with the otherworldly. Shirley Jackson Award-winning editor dave ring calls the collection “a charm against the banal and an invitation to fuck the hidden forces of the universe,” (had to adjust that one for the book jacket, hah!) and editor-in-chief of the iconic Taco Bell Quarterly, M.M. Carrigan, writes, “This is a beautiful collection. [Budenz writes] with an aesthetic and energy that jump off the page. It’s funny, it’s queer, and it’s full of life.”
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