View two concurrent solo exhibitions, Rachel Hayden: Four Bitten Fruits and D’Metrius Rice: Time Stamps in the project space.

“While we are all navigating the different options of distanced art viewing, Resort will be presenting two exhibitions in our gallery that will be viewable by appointment only. The first is a long-awaited solo exhibition by painter Rachel Hayden, titled Four Bitten Fruits. Rachel’s work is graphic and stylized, depicting glimpses of the artist in her home and animated, imagined space. Rachel’s painting revel in an introvert’s sardonic pleasure found in solitude and extrapolate it into a cast of inanimate object-characters that serve as companion or voyeur in her self-portraits. These works, which were made before quarantine, and before the artist’s move to New York, reveal the anxiety and often hermetic solitude of an artist’s practice, which is a condition now more widely shared by the general population. In this new series, Hayden presents her largest works to date, accompanied by a group of smaller paintings, that together emphasize a manic joy in minutiae: moths, flowers, and fruit. The isolated world we peek into is familiar, funny, inviting, and infinitely more exiting than our own.

In the project gallery, we will be presenting new paintings and works on paper by D’Metrius Rice in a show titled Time Stamps. Rice’s densely constructed abstractions, each modest in scale, were created in the months since quarantine reset our routines. Flat diagrammatic motifs and symbols combine with chance, atmospheric paint events to form complex visual fields. The title, Time Stamps, refers to the digital sharing of image, and the extra reliance we’ve come to develop on virtual connections and communication.

Both shows will be installed and documented in the first week of Augusts, and appointments will be available for in-person viewing shortly after. Appointments are available in one hour time slots on Saturdays and can also be scheduled for other times during the week.”

Read BmoreArt’s Living With Art: Alex Ebstein and Seth Adelsberger

235 Park Avenue, Baltimore, MD

Add to Calendar 20200826 America/New_York BmoreArt Instagram Live: Gallery Visit to Resort with Co-Directors Alex Ebstein and Seth Adelsberger