CREW CALL is back supporting creatives below the line in TV and Film.

Breakout Sessions this month are focused on post production with a conversation for editors, story producers and designers.

We’re also creating a special space just for singers and musicians looking to grow and gain more opportunities behind the scenes.

Creatives in every department behind the scenes of TV and Film, especially below the line.

Working professionals in entertainment seeking to grow laterally, advance to the next level of their craft and network across.

Industry-adjacent adults who seek to break glass ceilings. The folks who’d benefit from craft-based education, connections to career advocates and access into the industry pipeline of opportunities.

Crew Call is for every artist who makes the stories we see come to life. If you’re here, this is probably for you.

You ARE the industry!

Follow @thecrewcall on Instagram for more details.

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Add to Calendar 20240919 America/New_York 847 North Howard Street Baltimore MD 21201 Breakouts: Post Production