Opening day viewing 1-5pm, opening reception 6-8pm (reception will be limited capacity, masks required)
Within the very fabric of the Black portraiture genre, a rebellious spirit thrives. Beautiful images exude bright colors, ideas, and histories that can only be fully realized when told through the consciousness of Black artists themselves. Stories are accurately extrapolated when presented by those with an understanding of the nuances at play. Black narratives must be told using the first-hand experience as the cicerone. The artworks in BRIGHT provide new contexts to Black life and serve as a brave choice by these artists to push back against mainstream portrayals of Black bodies.
BRIGHT brings together ten Black American artists to Creative Alliance’s main gallery. Their dazzling works showcase an authentic depiction of Black life, forcing viewers to see Blackness in a new light.
Ambrose | Marie Charlotte Amegah | Destiny Belgrave | Michael A. Booker | Schroeder Cherry | Andrew Gray | David Ibata | Jabari C. Jefferson | Megan Lewis (photo) | Arin Mitchell