Get acquainted with craftivism, learn to embroider, stitch something brilliant, and make friends—all in just 2 hours! Craft-based activism has been used as a tool of resistance, coalition building, and even espionage! Learn from Shannon Downey (she/they)—a leader in the modern craftivism movement.
Course will provide an introduction to the history of craftivism and ways you can get involved in the modern movement and teach you how to hand-embroider and have you stabbing it out in no time. She guarantees you walk away feeling better than when you logged in.

Recommended materials*: embroidery hoop, embroidery floss, 24-gauge tapestry needle, quilters cotton square, scissors, water soluble marking pen.

Material Hacks:

  • No embroidery hoop? No worries. Select a sturdier fabric (like a pair of jeans) or even paper stock.
  • Literally any fabric will do! Any needle (tapestry, embroidery, sewing needle).
  • Embroidery floss, thread, thin yarn
  • A charcoal pencil, ball point pen, colored pencil, sharpie, etc.

Date: November 19
Time: 7-9PM
Location: Online! Zoom link will be sent out a few hours before workshop
Cost: $20

*At this time we’re not selling workshop kits

Wanna take the workshop but can’t swing the $20 right now? Email [email protected]

Learn More
Add to Calendar 20201119 America/New_York 1400 Greenmount Avenue Baltimore MD 21202 Craftivism 101 with Shannon