)))))))))))) FOMO IS BACK: Flossy Open Mic Online ((((((((((((((

Link will be posted here in the fb event 2 hours before the show!
Zoom link will also be emailed, please rsvp on Eventbrite:

Every Saturday night in May there will be a Flossy!

Artpartheid presents:
Flossy Open Mic Online
FOMO is back!
******Saturday May 9 at 8PM******
>Followed by performances every Saturday in May!!<

***************Saturday Night Stars******************
MCing by Comedian Howard G!

Abu the Flutemaker- playing unique instruments hand-crafted himself!

Elizabeth Norman- stand-up comedy!

Kenneth Clemons- talking about his artwork!

Liz Clayton Scofield- performance art and video experiment!

Abby Sea- talking and singing!

and MORE!

If you are interested in performing on one of the other nights

(or getting involved somehow), please fill out this FORM.


Artpartheid was breathed into existence in February of 2015, in a packed room with hundreds of people at 2640 Space, organized by a collective of artists who were determined to make the Baltimore arts scene less segregated. After a heated discussion about what equity in the arts community should look like, it was determined that our work was far from over. In the past years, Artpartheid’s role has evolved based on what’s needed in the community and the capacity of the collective. In the past, we’ve facilitated public discussions around current events that center racial equity in local arts culture, published a zine of emerging Black and Brown artists, created a Facebook Group with 1,650 members to share creative opportunities, and a Facebook Page to host events, gained Fiscal Sponsorship through Fusion Partnerships, won a Maryland Humanities grant in 2018 to host a series of conversations around the Civil War Monuments, raised funds for peer artist groups to support various projects that align with Artpartheid’s mission, and organized a panel about arts funding post-uprising at the 2019 MSAC Summit. Moving forward, we are organizing an event to offer more support in resource sharing on the social network level to balance the work arts non-profits are currently doing.

Learn More
Add to Calendar 20200530 America/New_York FOMO: Flossy Open Mic Online