is pleased to present the exhibition
Gristle & Gold: A Collaborative Process of Experiment & Play
in Gallery II
Exhibition on view October 4 – October 27, 2024
OPENING RECEPTION Saturday, October 5, 1-4pm
ARTIST RECEPTION Sunday, October 21, 1-3pm
HAMILTON GALLERY HOURS: Friday 1pm-5pm, Saturday 9am-5pm, Sunday 11am-3pm
Gristle & Gold: A Collaborative Process of Experiment & Play
This second installment from the Artists U/Baltimore Working Group is an exploration of how we create meaning interdependently. It is a conversation, a body-mind ecology, a place where we continue to forge and deepen relationships. This is the gristle.
The gold is the culmination of eight months of redefining “collaboration.” We see it as exchange with ease; mindfulness; dancing between images and words, betwixt literary and visual artmaking. We feel it as momentum that wakes you in the middle of the night on a wave, surfing. We know it as aliveness.
Our monthly sessions are protective organic spaces of knowing each other, not knowing each other, creating together, and holding desire in loving kindness. We invite people to participate in this exhibit with us, with their written and visual contributions. And in this collaborative thinking-creative process, let us break the 4th wall between audience and artist and become ONE creative impulse.
2024 Artists U/Baltimore Working Group
Virginia Crawford
Peter Crow
Noelle Imparato
Lenett Partlow-Myrick
Victor Rodgers
Quentin Tallaferro Rogers
Guest poet Sam Schmidt
Also exhibiting HAC artist members:
Jude Asher, Schroeder Cherry, Stephanie Chupein, Zachary Diaz, Diane Dennis, Jessica Devilbiss, Grace Doyle, Nancy Keene Fishel, Tim Jankowiak, Amy Klainer, Mark Mellett, David Mintzer, L. Nef’fahtiti Partlow-Myrick, Linda Popp, Lynn Poshepny, Katie Rickman, Theresa Reuter, Michael Seipp, Bridget Z. Sullivan, Richard Sullivan, Maxine Taylor, Alex Vanicky & Derrick Whaley.
About Hamilton Arts Collective | Hamilton Gallery
Hamilton Arts Collective | Hamilton Gallery strives to support the arts in Baltimore City and in the Hamilton-Lauraville community by means of providing space for artistic expression, creative exploration, and community involvement. HAC|HG is a 100% volunteer run 501c3 non-profit, and its mission is to be a community resource. We welcome creative initiatives that meet the needs of the community. Artists and those who support the arts from our community and elsewhere are invited to be involved.
Hamilton Arts Collective | Hamilton Gallery exhibition activities are supported by Maryland State Art Council Creativity Grant funds and BOPA Creativity Grant Funds.