Shriver Hall Concert Series presents acclaimed tenor Ian Bostridge, an artist renowned for his lyric

gifts and “instinct for conveying meaning and emotion with disarming clarity” (The Guardian).

Bostridge will perform works set to profound texts from his native England. This signature program

features a kaleidoscope of composers inspired by William Shakespeare alongside Bostridge’s

heartfelt rendition of Britten’s transcendent Holy Sonnets, with texts by poet John Donne.

Master collaborative pianist Julius Drake joins for this imaginative collection.

Ian Bostridge, tenor

Julius Drake, piano

JOHN DOWLAND: “In darkness let me dwell”

GERALD FINZI: Let Us Garlands Bring, Op. 18

FRANZ SCHUBERT: “An Sylvia,” Op. 106, No. 4

FRANZ SCHUBERT: “Ständchen,” D. 889

FRANZ JOSEPH HAYDN: “She never told her death,” Hob. XXVIa/34

ROGER QIULETER: “Come away, Death,” Op. 6, No. 1

IVOR GURNEY: “Under the Greenwood Tree”


ERICH KORNGOLD: “Desdemona’s Song,” Op. 31, No. 1

ERICH KORNGOLD: “Come away, death,” Op. 29, No. 1

ERICH KORNGOLD: “Adieu, Good Man Devil,” Op. 29, No. 3

BENJAMIN BRITTEN: The Holy Sonnets of John Donne, Op. 35

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Add to Calendar 20250309 America/New_York 3400 N. Charles St, Shriver Hall, Ste 14 Baltimore MD 21218 Ian Bostridge, tenor and Julius Drake, piano