It’s shocking! It’s thrilling! It’s an inspiring story of power of the arts amidst global chaos! It’s Pandemonium!

Grab your favorite blanket, some popcorn, and take cover … it’s the world premiere of It’s Pandemonium, a shameless and terrifying film directed by Aaron Barlow and starring the multi-talented staff of Creative Alliance!

Follow the harrowing tale of a talented young artist named Nic who finds salvation from the horrors of the modern world in his new Highlandtown home, while befriending cast of peculiar characters along the way.

Following the film, we turn the cameras to our stage for some LIVE music, special guests, and more surprises.

It’s Pandemonium! is a fundraiser to support Creative Alliance’s essential expenses and free programs during this global pandemic. Donate today!

Don’t miss our online exhibit that features over a 100 visual artists, one-of-a-kind experiences and feel-good causes!

SAT NOV 7 | 7:30PM It’s Pandemonium! Premiere | 8:30PM After-Party

$50 Supporter | $25 General Admission | $20 Members
​($3 service fee added to all ticket purchase)

All price levels will include both film premier and music. If you have the means, the supporter level ticket ensures additional artist and organizational support.

Learn More
Add to Calendar 20201107 America/New_York 3134 Eastern Avenue Baltimore MD 21224 It’s Pandemonium! Creative Alliance’s biggest virtual bash and fundraiser of the year!