“Rights and Wrongs” is a 3-part series that explores a range of perspectives, including the history of race in America and the Black Lives Matter movement, women’s suffrage and the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment, immigrant rights, public health vs. individual liberty, voter rights and voter access, freedom of speech and the arts, or other topics and approaches that connect to this theme.
Panelists for Part II include Stacey Kirby, a queer, self-appointed civil servant from North Carolina who creates socially-engaged interactive performance art. Her work evolves with the physical and historical setting, political climate and participants’ involvement at each location. Joining her is Karyn Olivier, a Philadelphia based artist and educator who creates public art, sculpture, and installations that expose social, political, and economic contradictions and the residue of slavery in contemporary culture. Olivier is currently an associate professor of sculpture at Tyler School of Art and Architecture. The event is co-hosted by Sheri Parks, Ph.D., Vice President for Strategic Initiatives, and Ladan Savar, Interdisciplinary Sculpture| MICA, ’22.
Register in advance for Thursday, October 29, 2020 event at: https://mica-edu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_DPq2egukRr6d_xlqalikRQ . After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
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