The mission of Sweaty Eyeballs Animation is to showcase unique, experimental and diverse voices in the field of animated filmmaking with a focus on innovation in craft, storytelling and work that questions preconceived notions of what animation can and should be. We love independent animation, and we love Baltimore. Get ready to join us in combining the two! Sweaty Eyeballs Animation Festival will foster a community of animation lovers and creators in the mid-Atlantic region and allow a venue for often overlooked work to be seen on the big screen.


Kelley Bell

McCoy Chance

Jim Doran

Robby Gilbert

Taylor Goad

Eva Grandoni

Amy Lee Ketchum

Eric Millikin

Kat Navarro

Timothy Nohe

Stephanie J. Williams


Curator: Corrie Francis Parks

Learn more
Add to Calendar 20241018 America/New_York 405 East Oliver Street Baltimore Maryland 21202 Sweaty Eyeballs Festival