The Naked Truth: Queer Artist Interviews was created to highlight the artists of the 2020 Naked Truth Pride Exhibition. Expanding beyond the 5 artists of the show, the show will continue beyond June with interviews of queer artists of all backgrounds and mediums, sharing their lives, discussing their work, and exploring the connections between their sexuality and their artistic practices, processes, and careers.

Beyond the 2020 June show, The Naked Truth: Queer Artist Interviews seeks to amplify the reach of queer artists, as the freelance art community has been deeply affected by the COVID-19 crisis, both bringing their works to a wider audience and bringing us all closer through a digital community of celebrating art and sharing our unique narratives as queer people.
Podcast artwork by James Newland (SpacePupSilver)

The schedule for the podcasts is:
May 28: Scott G. Brooks
June 4: Jasjyot Singh Hans
June 11: Lania D’Agostino
JUNE 18: Douglas Johnson
June 25: Kieran Solley

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Add to Calendar 20200625 America/New_York The Naked Truth | 2020 Exhibition + Podcast