Our Story
Baltimore truly is a city of artists. BmoreArt plays a critical role in our cultural ecosystem by providing an independent, regional platform for creative communities to share their work and ideas with new audiences. BmoreArt is dedicated to highlighting emerging artists, alternative viewpoints, and unconventional forms of expression that may not receive attention in larger mainstream outlets. BmoreArt is an independent publication; this means we rely on partnerships, collaborations, grants, and membership-based subscriptions.
Mission: BmoreArt is a leading resource for contemporary art and culture in the Baltimore region, a platform for creative and critical discussions. We apply editorial and community building capabilities including digital publication, a biannual print journal, community events, lectures, and social media, to further the cultural and economic interests of artists, arts organizations, cultural institutions, and diverse audiences for arts and culture in the region.
Vision: BmoreArt’s vision is for Baltimore-based artists, creative business owners, arts organizations, and cultural institutions to achieve new levels of individual and collective success and recognition, both locally and globally. BmoreArt’s role is to increase awareness, build relationships, and stimulate discussion in order to catalyze support for artists throughout the region. We work collaboratively with artists, organizations, small businesses, institutions, and publications to champion a vibrant cultural ecosystem in Baltimore.
Values: Baltimore is a city full of artistic excellence. We believe in the significance of cultural production based in the region and that audiences benefit from engagement with the art of their place and time. BmoreArt focuses on Baltimore-based artists, creative business owners, arts organizations, and cultural institutions in order to advocate for and elevate their work. We are a women-run organization and believe that Baltimore’s diversity is a key area of strength. We prioritize historically underrepresented artists in our endeavors, considering race, gender, age, class, and geographic origin, in order to authentically reflect the cultural excellence of the region.
Usage: BmoreArt publishes original content on a daily basis online including critical essays, reviews, opinion-editorials, news, profiles, and photo essays. Every Tuesday, we publish BmoreArt’s Picks, an events list curated to emphasize the area’s best in-person and online events, in conjunction with our comprehensive online calendar of cultural events.
For artists, culturally curious audiences, and patrons, we have created an online gallery and resource guide, a weekly e-newsletter, social media and our own programming and events, including magazine launch parties in Baltimore’s most iconic locations and our Connect+Collect speaker series for artists, collectors, and arts professionals.
History: BmoreArt was founded by Cara Ober in 2007 as a collaborative blog run by artists for artists, and was professionalized into an online and print magazine in 2015. Since that time, BmoreArt expanded and evolved into a full-time staff of four and a team of part-time and freelance contributors, but the goals and commitment to rigorous dialogue have remained consistent.
Support: BmoreArt is supported through advertising sponsorships and philanthropic donations. We work in partnerships with area institutions, organizations, and businesses who share our values and want to support and nurture creative culture in Baltimore.
To make a tax deductible donation to BmoreArt through our fiscal sponsor, click here.
To read more about our contributors, click here.
BmoreArt’s Connect+Collect gallery, photo by Jill Fannon
Rashid Johnson Art Talk at the Lord Baltimore Hotel with Cara Ober, Don Rubell, and Mera Rubell, photo by Justin Tsucalas in 2015
“Where will we go? has become a considerable issue faced by all, including the craft field. We are, and the world is coming apart at the seams, and we have to reposition ourselves and start mending, appreciating our limits and fragility of the world we inhabit from the natural, social to the technological world. To change our modes of thinking with the necessary transformation of a new economy, a new just society, healing the deep social fractures, we have to activate a community of Creative Change Makers. With your hard work you have shown us over and over again you are a crucial part of this […] Thanks to inspiring organizations like yours for celebrating and championing craft and community, your hard work is paying off and giving me hope for the future. We need you more than ever.” —Annet Couwenberg, Former Director of the MICA Fibers Department, CAA’s Distinguished Teacher of Art 2020
“Many, many of these kinds of magazines are disappearing. And people say a lot of things about Baltimore and its quirkiness and the negativity, but one of the things they always bring out is just how filthy we are with artists. How there are so many artists around doing so many things of great worth, no matter what their age or how much publicity they receive, the work is that good. So to have a stellar platform like [BmoreArt] is a great blessing for this city. Thank you and I hope for 20 more issues!” –Artist and MacArthur Genius, Joyce J. Scott
“I have so enjoyed following all the incredible things you and the Bmore Art team have been doing. You are truly a model for what every city’s art scene needs. Your magazine is definitely at the top of the list of things I miss about Baltimore and the incredible arts community.” -Artists Michelle Hagewood and Lauren Boilini
“BmoreArt is just such the best art magazine, serious art criticism, [a] place to learn about the incredible world of art in Baltimore and beyond, and a work of art in itself. Follow and Subscribe!!!!” -Julia Marciari Alexander, Director of the Walters Museum