As the architectural profession and construction industry responds to the novel coronavirus, we all have questions. While there is a tremendous amount of uncertainty surrounding the pandemic, what we know for certain is there will be impacts on your business, your clients, your employees and your projects.

Membership in AIA binds our community together – connecting with your colleagues during these troubling times can help. Crowdsourcing best practices and sharing information can help you to manage this disruption to business continuity, office operations and project delivery. We want to hear from you – your concerns, your challenges and your ideas about what AIA Baltimore can do for you.

You are invited to a virtual town hall to share stories and learn from peers about steps being taken to weather this storm. While none of us have all the answers, or answers that are appropriate everywhere, collectively we can share our concerns, responses and ideas.

In preparation for the virtual town hall, please respond to the short survey below on how COVID-19 is affecting your practice.  There will also be an opportunity to share your questions during the town hall.


In addition to addressing your survey responses and questions, we will hear from two firms, small and large, on their responses and reflections on COVID-19 impact to their practice.

This meeting will take place on ZOOM.
Sign in or call in with the information below:
Meeting ID: 468 755 333
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+17209289299,,468755333# US (Denver)
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Dial by your location
+1 720 928 9299 US (Denver)
+1 301 715 8592 US
Meeting ID: 468 755 333

Add to Calendar 20200327 America/New_York 11 West Chase Street #1 Baltimore MD 21201 AIA Baltimore COVID-19 Virtual Town Hall