An Online Performance Tribute for Alice Denney
Co-hosted by Washington Project for the Arts
Cabaret Elektronica :: Alice Travels Beyond Wonderland is a live online performance presented by the Third Space Network (3SN). This original production honors the late DC art maverick and founder of WPA, Alice Denney, who passed away late last year at the age of 101. The work is a poetic rendering of Alice’s rebellious and mischievous spirit, adapted to a 21st-century digital rendering of Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland. The online performance, co-hosted by Washington Project for the Arts (WPA), takes place Sunday, June 9, 5:00pm EDT, streaming on Crowdcast.
Cabaret Elektronica, created by media artist and composer Randall Packer, will be broadcast from the 3SN high-tech underground studio bunker in Washington, DC. The work is performed by mixed-media artist Melissa Ichiuji, tenor Charles Lane, and performance artist Katie Magician, who will be staged remotely from their studios in Front Royal Virginia, downtown Los Angeles, and Washington, DC respectively. The performers will be green screened into virtual mediascapes evoking a trip down the wondrous rabbit hole of Alice’s legendary life, capturing her spontaneity, absurdity, and anarchy in challenging traditional art and life.
A post-show online gathering, Drinking About Alice, provides a virtual café atmosphere for conversation between artists and audience and assorted spirits.
Cabaret Elektronica is supported by a Project, Events, and Festivals grant from the DC Commission on the Arts & Humanities.
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Add to Calendar 20240609 America/New_York Cabaret Elektronica ::: Alice Travels Beyond Wonderland