OPENING RECEPTION Saturday, May 4, 1-4pm
ARTIST RECEPTION Sunday, May 19, 1-3pm
FIRST SATURDAY RECEPTION Saturday, June 1, 1-4pm
Friday 1-5pm, Saturday 9am-5pm, Sunday 11am-3pmLynn Poshepny: Embracing Uncertainty
The work documents how I finally emerged from the pandemic. As the lockdown began, I started to be conscious that my view of house and home was central to my frame of mind. I saw the space I was living in with new eyes. I wanted it to be a sanctuary from uncertainty. The world’s events had knocked me from my foundation.
Slowly, though, I began to realize that uncertainty is something that I am familiar with, something that I had embraced years ago when I started to explore abstraction in my art. Uncertainty starts all my paintings, allowing the materials, colors, lines, and shapes to dictate to me what they will become.

I let go and begin: Here, out of the unspecified longing, emerges the outlines of a window; there, appears a horizon line with distant structures upon it.  And throughout, beneath undulating energy, emerges color, with blankness giving way to possibility and grief to a feeling that I am, in a moment born of uncertainty, both home and alive.

About the artist
My work reflects my background being from the Midwest and having a degree and career as a Landscape Architect. In 1993 I left my work as a park planner to begin an artistic career in earnest.

I initially worked in watercolor going from recognizable landscape painting to becoming increasingly abstract as I began to explore both subjects and mediums. I showed my work all over the Midwest and East coast in the outdoor art show circuit for 10 years. With the contacts I made doing these art shows, I was hired to do numerous commissions for offices, hotels, and private collectors. I started working with encaustic – painting with pigmented beeswax – in 2012 and today I work in my studio at my home in the Hampden neighborhood in Baltimore.

Also exhibiting HAC artist members:
Schroeder Cherry, Stephanie Chupein, Zachary Diaz, Diane Dennis, Grace Doyle, Nancy Keene Fishel, Tim Jankowiak, Amy Klainer, Mark Mellett, L. Nef’fahtiti Partlow-Myrick, Lynn Poshepny, Katie Rickman, Theresa Reuter, Michael Seipp, Bridget Z. Sullivan, Richard Sullivan, Alex Vanicky & Derrick Whaley­­­.

About Hamilton Arts Collective | Hamilton Gallery
Hamilton Arts Collective | Hamilton Gallery strives to support the arts in Baltimore City and in the Hamilton-Lauraville community by means of providing space for artistic expression, creative exploration and community involvement. HAC|HG is a 100% volunteer run 501c3 non-profit, and its mission is to be a community resource. We welcome creative initiatives that meet the needs of the community. Artists and those who support the arts from our community and elsewhere are invited to be involved.

Hamilton Arts Collective | Hamilton Gallery exhibition activities are supported by Maryland State Art Council Creativity Grant funds and BOPA Creativity Grant Funds.
Add to Calendar 20240601 America/New_York 5502 Harford Road Baltimore MD 21214 Lynn Poshepny: Embracing Uncertainty