Goucher College
The Art and Art History Department prsents the 2008 Irwin C. Schroedl Jr. Lecture: Linda Weintraub
Eco-Art and Artist: Are Microbes, Fungus and Decomposing Corpses Beautiful?
Tuesday April 22 7 p.m. Kelley Lecture Hall
Writer, curator, educator and artist, Linda Weintraub will explore contemporary art’s vital role in awakening global eco-consciousness. She is is co-author of ‘Art on the Edge and Over: Searching for Art’s Meaning in Contemporary Society’ and author of ‘In the making: Creative Options for Contemporary Art’ and ‘Minimizing Arts Footprint/Maximizing Art’s Mark: Foundations in Eco Art’.
Goucher College
1021 Dulaney Valley Road
Baltimore, MD 21204