This bill has been ongoing for a number of years and this time the wheels have been greased for quick passage.
Yesterday a revived Orphan Works Bill sailed through a House panel. Today the Senate bill will be marked up. These bills will expose ANY work of art to commercial infringement. This will include everything from professional paintings to personal photos placed on the net.
At the heart of the bill is a way to “Orphan” all works of art leaving them open to use by others. Then the bills will coerce you to register your work with for-profit registries as a condition of protecting your copyrights. Any unregistered pictures will be subject to Orphan Works infringement. This is a radical departure from international copyright law and normal business practice.
I feel this legislation will hurt all creatives and needs to brought to your attention, so I’m doing my little part by forwarding these links. – Alzaruba.
The orphan works legislation, has been referred to as the end of copyright. THIS IS IMPORTANT.
A very easy simple primer is a link at YouTube, 7.5 mins long.
Then read the position papers, the bills (they are not that long)
themselves and decide for yourself what is in your best interest.
APA has posted them at
ASMP has posted them at
Illustrators Partnership
There are a ton of blogs
Do it quick, the countdown has begun.
Be heard.