Jessica Kemp! The first ever BmoreArt intern! Please email her with exhibition announcements, interviews, studio visits, and other requests for online press. You can reach Jessica via her website or by email at: [email protected].
An Introduction
I’m Jess Kemp, the new intern for Bmore Art! I’m a senior photography major at Maryland Institute College of Art and plan to graduate with my BFA in the Spring. My work has been sticking with two major themes lately- people and places from my hometown in Pennsylvania and abstracting and experimenting with the human form. The first of these two can be seen in my
Fricks Lock series, which was on display in a solo show in the Gateway Gallery on MICA’s campus from November to December 2008. The rest of that series can be seen
The second of these two can be seen below. Last semester, I completed a series that had my body contorted in different ways to mimic the buildings I grew up in. This has opened the door to a lot of new ideas about the body and it’s surfaces for me, and this is the direction I’m currently working in.
I also enjoy working with textiles as well as working on my own
blog. My blog, in a way, was what lead me to do this internship with Bmore Art.
Until late December, I will be posting to Bmore Art once a week. My main focus with be visiting local galleries and interviewing curators as well as artists about art but also about the gallery scene and any processes that may be special to their gallery. I’m thoroughly excited about this and thank you for the opportunity!