
BmoreArt’s Picks: Baltimore Art Galleries, Events, and Openings July 16 – 20

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BmoreArt’s Picks presents the best weekly art openings, events, and performances happening in Baltimore and surrounding areas. For a more comprehensive perspective, check the BmoreArt Calendar page, which includes ongoing exhibits and performances, and is lovingly updated on a daily basis.

To submit your calendar event, email us at [email protected]!



Summer ’14 at Grimaldis Gallery

Opening Wednesday, July 16 from 6-8 pm

C. Grimaldis Gallery presents its annual summer group exhibition,“Summer ’14″, featuring contemporary sculpture, painting, and photography from exhibiting and represented gallery artists, on view from July 16 to August 23, 2014. The exhibition opens onWednesday, July 16 with a reception from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.

This annual exhibition previews and reviews artworks from the past and upcoming gallery seasons. Among the works on view are photographs from a new body of work by Ben Marcin called “The Towers” that capture apartment high-rises and skyscrapers in abstract compositions, taken from a distance and portraying a conflicting sense of human power and isolation. Abstract paintings by Markus Baldegger give a small taste of his upcoming solo show at C. Grimaldis Gallery during the fall season, and delicate graphite drawings by Cheryl Goldsleger introduce a very different body of work to the gallery than her wax wall sculptures featured in the previous exhibition “Extending the Line 3D”.

“Summer ’14″ concisely summarizes the gallery’s program and serves as an update on the talent cultivated by C. Grimaldis Gallery. Artists included in this exhibition are: Chul Hyun Ahn,Markus Baldegger, Henry Coe, Cheryl Goldsleger, Lee Hall,Grace Hartigan, Eugene Leake, Dimitra Lazaridou, Ben Marcin,Raoul Middleman, Caroline Ramersdorfer, Cordy Ryman, Alexey Titarenko, René Treviño, John Van Alstine, John Waters, and Zhao Jing.

”Summer ’14″ is part of the 2014 Artscape Gallery Network presented by M&T Bank, an expansion of the Janet & Walter Sondheim Prize featuring artists and art galleries throughout Baltimore city and county.



Logical Magic at The Windup Space

Reception: Wednesday, July 16, 7pm-10pm
Exhibition: Wednesday, July 9 – Thursday, July 31

The Windup Space is pleased to present “Logical Magic,” featuring new paintings by Se Cho.  The subjects of Cho’s work are based on geomorphology, engineering, modeling, and general scientific concepts like accuracy vs. precision, optical illusion, etc.  Cho says of her work: “My paintings are a representation of what I learn and experience in my life, most importantly subjects of my scientific research.”

Artist: Se Jong Cho / Curator: Jason C. Hoylman

12 West North Avenue / Baltimore, MD


Young Blood Flyer Image

Young Blood at MAP

Opening Reception: Thursday, July 17, 6-8pm
July 17- August 16, 2014

Young Blood is an annual exhibition showcasing outstanding works by recent Baltimore-area Masters of Fine Art graduates. Celebrating its 7th year, Young Blood will continue its tradition of exhibiting a diverse range of innovative, emerging artists.

Exhibiting artists include Claire GirodieJustin HoekstraCaleb KortokraxJim LeachNick Primo, and Dominique Zeltzman.

Maryland Art Place (MAP) is pleased to present its 7th annual Young Blood exhibition, showcasing the works of recent Baltimore-area Masters of Fine Art graduates. The selected artists are: Caleb Kortokrax (MICA), Justin Hoekstra (MICA), Claire Giordie (TU), Dominique Zeltzman (UMBC), Jim Leach (MICA), and Nick Primo (MICA).

Young Blood will continue the tradition of exhibiting a diverse range of innovative, emerging artists. The 2014 exhibition will include sculpture, video, photography, works on paper and paintings. Since 2008, Young Blood has provided a dynamic exhibition experience for over 52 artists and has served as a launching pad for many of exhibitors.

Young Blood is curated by a sub-committee of MAP’s Program Advisory Committee (PAC). The PAC is comprised of artists, teachers, curators and other arts professionals, providing the graduates with connections that bridge academic training and the greater art world. This year’s sub-committee included: Brian Young, Fine Art Curator at University of Maryland University College, Amy Eva Raehse, Director of Goya Contemporary, and Cara Ober, founder of BMore Art, alongside MAP’s Director, Amy Cavanaugh Royce and Program Assistant, Paul Shortt.


Imaginary Friends Header

The Gallery at CCBC Dundalk presents Imaginary Friends

July 17- September 26, 2014
Reception, Thursday, July 17, 6 to 8 pm

Artists: SiJae Byun, Allen Linder, Pam Rogers
Curator Liberty Carter

Sponsored in part by M&T Bank and the Baltimore Office of Promotion and the Arts a part of the ArtScape Gallery Network.

Gallery Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 10 am to 4 pm. Tuesdays and Thursdays by appointment only. The Gallery is closed on Saturday and Sunday.

For further information about the CCBC Galleries, like us on Facebook at The Galleries at CCBC, or call to make an appointment 443.840.4326.

CCBC Dundalk is at 7200 Sollers Point Road, Dundalk, MD 21222, located off Baltimore Beltway (695) and I-95. The Gallery is located in the College Community Center, off the lobby.



ARTSCAPE !!!!!!!!!

Dates: Friday, July 18 – Sunday, July 20
Hours: Friday: 11am-9pm, Saturday: 11am-9pm, Sunday: 11am-8pm
Location: Baltimore, MD

Artscape is America’s largest free arts festival, attracting 350,000+ attendees over three days. Artscape features 150+ fine artists, fashion designers and craftspeople; visual art exhibits on and off-site, including exhibitions, outdoor sculpture, art cars, photography and the Janet & Walter Sondheim Prize; incredible live concerts on outdoor stages; a full schedule of performing arts including dance, opera, theater, film, experimental music and the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra; family events such as hands-on projects, demonstrations, competitions, children’s entertainers and street theater; and a delicious, international menu of food and beverages that is available throughout the festival site. Artscape’s total economic impact on Baltimore City is $25.97 million.

Artscape takes place in the Mount Royal Avenue & Cathedral Street, Charles Street, Bolton Hill, and Station North Arts & Entertainment District neighborhoods.

Admission: FREE and open to the public! Artscape is held outdoors in tents, and inside the neighborhood’s premier exhibition spaces and performing arts venues. The event is handicapped accessible.

Questions: Have a question about Artscape? CLICK HERE to ask an Artscape expert a question, before, during or after the festival.



Process Collective Presents:
ALLOVERSTREET – July 18, 2014 7-10pm

A monthly evening of simultaneous openings and events spanning the many arts spaces of East Oliver Street in The Station North Arts and Entertainment District.

Openings include:

Area 405: Macricrocosm
Work by Brandon Morse, Dan Perkins, Ginevra
Shay, Helen Elliott, Jarah Moesch, Julia
Pearson, Lisa Marie Jakab, & Paul Jeanes
405 E. Oliver St, Baltimore, MD, 21202

Bodega Gallery: Pointer Finger
by Annie Murphy
The Copycat Building, Apt A100, 1511 Guilford Ave,
Baltimore, MD 21202

Gallery CA: GUTSY: Taking the Fear Factor Out of Feminism.
A juried group exhibition in collaboration with
The Feminist Art Project- Baltimore
440 E Oliver St, Baltimore, MD 21202

Lil Gallery: Winnowing
By Ian Reynolds
The Copycat Building, Apt C403, 1511 Guilford Ave,
Baltimore, MD 21202

Springsteen: BASE PERIOD
by Alan Resnick and Lesser Gonzalez Alvarez
The Copycat Building, Apt B303, 1511 Guilford Ave,
Baltimore, MD 21202

The Monument Quilt Studio: Open studio for FORCE’s Monument Quilt
1400 Greenmount Ave, Baltimore, MD 212102


*Official ALLOVERSTREET After Party: Opium Wampum IX at Penthouse Gallery:
Performances by Hosey Corona, Julie Burne, Adam Lempi and Sunatirene, Abu the Flutemaker,
10pm / $5
The Copycat Building, Apt B501, 1511 Guilford Ave, Baltimore, MD 21202

More info at –


Julia Pearson

 Macricocosm: Area 405

Reception: Friday, July 17, 7pm-10pm
Exhibition: Thursday, July 3 –  Saturday, August 23

Area 405 is pleased to present “Macricrocosm,” featuring the artwork of Sondheim Prize 2014 applicants and others.  These works can be perceived as both cosmic and cellular placing the viewer in the position of being either omnipresent or insignificant.  This mixed media exhibition runs through Summer 2014.

Artists: Helen Elliot, Lisa Marie Jakab, Paul Jeanes, Jarah Moesch, Brandon Morse, Julia Pearson, Dan Perkins, Ginevra Shay
Curator: Stewart Watson

405 East Oliver Street
Baltimore, MD



“GUTSY: Taking the Fear Factor Out of Feminism”at Gallery CA

Receptions: Friday, August 8, 6pm-9pm
Exhibition: Friday, July 18 – Friday, August 8

Artscape Weekend Gallery Hours: July 18 – 20, 12 – 4 pm
Regular Gallery Hours: Monday thru Friday 12 – 4 pm
GUTSY Storytelling Circle with Power Inside: July 23, 7 – 9 pm

“GUTSY: Taking the Fear Factor Out of Feminism,” seeks to highlight the work of female artists and artists dealing with feminist issues, themes, and aesthetics.  The show is presented by The Feminist Art Project – Baltimore, which recognizes the aesthetic, intellectual and political impact of women on visual arts and culture.  As part of TFAP-B’s mission to support female artists and local organizations working to support women, 20% of each work of art that is sold will go to Power Inside, a human rights and harm reduction organization that serves women and girls who are survivors of gender-based violence and oppression.

Artists: Mary Anne Arntzen, Lindsey Bailey, Joanne Barnum, Anne Boisvert, Lindsey Bottos, Christopher Chen, Joan Cox, Annie Farrar, Tanya Garcia, Marian Glebes, Shana Goetsch, Jolie Kumin, Sophie Monosmith, Agnes Moon, Ingrid Nuttle, Irene O’Leary, Quinn Palmer, Margret Rogers, Rachel Rotenburg, FORCE:Upsetting Rape Culture, Avery Von Ringle, and Allison Yasukawa.

Juried by Allison Gulick, the Exhibition Coordinator for TFAP-B, and Katie Bachler, artist-in-residence at the BMA and the Director of Community Outreach and Programs for the Women’s Center for Creative Work (WCCW) in Los Angeles.

440 East Oliver Street
Baltimore, MD



Alternative Art Fair – Artscape

Friday, July 18, 11-9
Saturday, July 19, 11-9
Sunday, July 20, 11-8

Location: Charles Street Garage, 1714 Charles St / More info here.

The Alternative Art Fair features displays from more than 15 non-profit exhibition spaces, pop-up venues, artist run galleries and artist collectives.  All of the participants embody a DIY approach in the way they curate, organize and promote their shows.  The work on display will range from traditional painting and sculpture to temporary installations built specifically for the fair and new media works.

Exhibitors:  Adds Donna (Chicago, IL), Bicycle Gallery (Baltimore, MD), Booklyn Art Gallery (Brooklyn, NY), Current Space (Baltimore, MD), Furthermore (Washington, D.C.), Lease Agreement (Baltimore, MD) & Trunk Show (Chicago, IL), Lil’ Gallery (Baltimore, MD), Little Berlin (Philadelphia, PA), Make Studio (Baltimore, MD), Open Space (Baltimore, MD), Present Company (Brooklyn, NY), Process Collective & Penthouse Gallery (Baltimore, MD), Rastel (Baltimore, MD), Sediment (Richmond, VA), Springsteen (Baltimore, MD), Transformer (Washington, D.C.)

Curators:   Margo Benson Malter is the co-director of Open Space gallery in Baltimore, MD.  She was born in Atlanta, GA and holds a BFA in Painting from the Maryland Institute College of Art.  She has shown her work locally and nationally.

Nick Peelor is a co-director of Open Space gallery in Baltimore, MD. He was born in Denver, CO and graduated from MICA with a BFA in Interdisciplinary Sculpture.  Peelor has shown his work locally and nationally. His hobbies include free-form tennis, creative walking and collecting rocks.

Marian April Glebes is an artist, curator, educator, and unique commercial real estate developer based in Baltimore, MD.  She received her BFA from Maryland Institute College of Art and her MFA from University of Maryland Baltimore County.  Glebes exhibits her artwork locally and nationally, tends a garden in Brick Hill, and thinks a lot about dandelions and infrastructure.  She has a pet rabbit named Stan.



Exhibit of Sondheim Semi-Finalists

In MICA’s  Decker, Meyerhoff and Pinkard galleries during Artscape weekend, July 18-20, 2014.

2014 Sondheim Semi-Finalists Include:

Stephanie Benassi, Baltimore, MD
Tommy Bobo, Baltimore, MD
Aharon Bumi, Baltimore, MD
Amanda Burnham, Baltimore, MD
Dustin Carlson, Baltimore, MD
Jim Condron, Owings Mills, MD
Leah Cooper, Baltimore, MD
Elizabeth Crisman, Baltimore, MD
Adam Farcus, Baltimore, MD
Terence Hanum, Parkville, MD
Joshua Haycraft, Washington, DC
Nora Howell, Baltimore, MD
Elena Johnston, Baltimore, MD
Benjamin Kelley, Baltimore, MD
Dean Kessmann, Washington, DC
Ru Kuwahata & Max Porter (Tiny Inventions), Baltimore, MD
Christopher LaVoie, Baltimore, MD
Jon Malis, Washington, DC
Sebastian Martorana, Baltimore, MD
Cara Ober, Baltimore, MD
Ding Ren, Columbia, MD
Fred Scharmen, Baltimore, MD
Paul Shortt, Baltimore, MD
Ally Silberkleit, Baltimore, MD
Nora Sturges, Baltimore, MD
Diane Szczepaniak, Potomac, MD
Chad Tyler, Baltimore, MD
Elena Volkova, Baltimore, MD
Martine Workman, Washington, DC
Trevor Young, Takoma Park, MD
Lu Zhang, Baltimore, MD
John Zimmerman, Baltimore, MD


Image from Reverse Cascade 3

New Puppet Production Reverse Cascade at Artscape 2014, Sunday July 20th at 12:30pm, Theatre Project.

With music and everyday objects, Reverse Cascade tells the story of Judy Finelli, a record breaking circus artist and juggler whose entire life changed with a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis.

After finding the work she loves, a circus performer and one of the country’s best jugglers suddenly finds her body betraying her. She struggles to figure out what is happening to her until she is finally diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. The disease takes her body from her control and everything changes. Her work and identity now seemingly gone, she becomes depressed, but the circus calls back to her, lifting her spirits. We follow her new life, not lived so much in her body but in her dreams, thoughts, and her wheelchair. She becomes obsessed with skydiving, and figures out a way to do it. The plane takes off, she jumps out, and that’s where we leave her: in mid-air.

Reverse Cascade was created by Anna Fitzgerald in partial fulfillment of her MFA degree in Puppet Arts. The story, based on the life of Anna’s juggling teacher Judy Finelli, was first workshopped during the summer of 2013, where Anna was an emerging artist at The National Puppetry Conference at the O’Neill Theater Center. It has since become a full length production, performed at the Ballard Institute and Museum of Puppetry and Puppet Showplace Theatre in Boston, MA. The July 20th performance at Artscape at The Theatre Project will be the premiere of this exceptional new piece of puppetry in Baltimore.

The piece was always intended to be nonverbal, simply movement accompanied by music. During Artscape, Baltimore musician ellen cherry will accompany the puppetry with live music. The collaboration of music and puppetry to tell this story without words gives the audience the chance to use their own language and experience to shape their understanding. It is at once very personal and very public. The performance is appropriate for adults and children over the age of 8.

Puppet performers: Sophie Hinderberger, Gavin Cummins, Emily Hall, Jeanine Padgett, Jen Liu, and Moira Horowitz.

Live music by ellen cherry, recorded music by Michael Albaine and Nick Trauttman.
Directed by Anna Fitzgerald.

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