
BmoreArt News: Joyce J. Scott, Juneteenth, Baltimore Pride

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This week’s news includes: Queen of Baltimore Joyce J. Scott, Juneteenth celebrations, ‘People of Pride,’ Soon Come exhibition highlights young artists, injuries at Pride event, Moore pardons misdemeanor cannabis-related convictions, Broadway and Beyond at Everyman Theatre, two Pride photo essays from The Banner, and new murals near Lexington Market  — with reporting from Baltimore Magazine, Baltimore Fishbowl, Baltimore Brew, and other local and independent news sources.

Header Image: Tysheria Dorsey poses for a portrait with her wings at Baltimore Pride on June 15, 2024.(Kaitlin Newman/The Baltimore Banner)

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Joyce Scott at the purple door of her home in West Baltimore. “Mama Joyce,” as she is known, uses humor every bit as much as art to open up difficult conversations, but never fails to engage.Credit...Shan Wallace for The New York Times

How an Artist Became the Queen of Baltimore
by Aruna D’Souza
Published June 13 in The New York Times

Excerpt: Joyce J. Scott is not an easy woman to interview. It’s not that she is reticent. It’s just hard to get a word in edgewise because practically every person we passed during our day together in Baltimore stopped to talk to her, shouting out “The Queen!” or “Mama Joyce!” whenever we entered one of her local haunts.

She responded with enthusiasm, warmth and a comedic gift for working the crowd, slipping into different characters (a spoiled child, a haughty intellectual, a tough guy), bantering, wisecracking and generally making people laugh.

These interactions speak volumes about Scott, 75, who uses humor, every bit as much as art — weaving and quilted textile work; elaborate beaded jewelry; sculptures that combine beads, glass and found objects; intricately constructed clothing; printmaking, installation and performance art — to open up difficult conversations about race and inequality and to build community in her hometown.

See also:

Joyce J. Scott’s Beaded Sculptures Confront Racist Tropes
by Andy Battaglia
Published May 31 in ArtNews / Art in America



—Courtesy of Baltimore AFRAM via Facebook

Where to Celebrate Juneteenth Around Baltimore This Week
by Olivia Borgula
Published June 17 in Baltimore Magazine

Excerpt: Fireworks, red-themed eats and drinks, and barbecues in the sweltering early-summer heat will fill the city this week as many Baltimoreans celebrate Juneteenth—the holiday marking the anniversary of the effective end of slavery on June 19, 1865, when the last enslaved people were freed from Galveston, Texas.

While Juneteenth has been celebrated since the late 1800s, it wasn’t recognized as a federal holiday until 2021. Since then, celebrations have only ramped up across the country—especially in the years following COVID-19 shutdowns—and Baltimore is no exception.

From bingo nights and Black History lectures to live music and the city’s annual AFRAM festival, here are 10 ways to celebrate Juneteenth this week.



Jabari Lyles poses for a portrait in East Mount Vernon Place in Baltimore, June 10, 2024. (Jessica Gallagher/The Baltimore Banner)

People of Pride: 5 Marylanders making a difference in the LGBTQIA+ community
by John-John Williams IV
Published June 14 in The Baltimore Banner

One hosts movie nights, karaoke and other events that provide a safe space for LGBTQIA+ people. Another has become a sounding board for customers at his gay bar dealing with pressures of the outside world. And a third beats the pavement to promote political awareness about LGBTQIA+ issues.

These are just some of the things five Baltimoreans The Baltimore Banner is profiling in honor of Baltimore Pride Month are doing in the fight for visibility, support and acceptance of their peers.

There are victories in the push for acceptance of this community. The first transgender woman, Bailey Anne Kennedy, recently won the title of Miss Maryland USA, while other notable people from the state — Christian Siriano, Isis King, and Bishme Cromartie — have made a name for themselves in fashion and acting.

But LGBTQIA+ people also continue to fight for basic rights.

Conservative groups want to remove their stories and experiences from history and literature. They have to worry about physical attacks and other bias-motivated acts from people who don’t agree with the way they live.

For the five who talked to The Banner, they say a sense of pride for their community inspires their work and actions.

A 46-year-old transgender woman from Baltimore who uses the pronouns she and her

Nicknamed “Honeycomb” by her gay house mother because of her love of the cereal, Bradford knows she’s one of the lucky ones in the transgender community.

More than one in four transgender people have lost a job due to bias, and more than three-fourths have experienced some form of workplace discrimination, according to the National Center for Transgender Equality. More than 4,600 transgender people, 94% of whom were trans woman or trans-feminine, have died since 2008, according Trans Murder Monitoring report, which tracks murders reported in the news media each year.

As retail manager in food and culinary services for Johns Hopkins Medicine, she now doesn’t have to hide being a trans woman. It wasn’t always that way. In 2003, early in her transition, she was fired from a job because she refused to put on a male uniform. Bradford eventually got a job at Johns Hopkins Bayview Hospital, where she worked for 17 years and ascended to a supervisory role. Two years after that, she was promoted to be the first Black transgender woman to have a role on a culinary management team where she supervises five supervisors and five restaurants with 360 employees.

Bradford has opened doors for other trans women — she’s hired several at her company — and has also shown other trans women that they do not have to rely on sex work, and the potential physical violence associated with it, as the only viable way to make a living. She’s also active in the gay ballroom scene, a competitive dance, fashion and beauty system that has been a way for that community to have a family-like support system. She was named a “legend” in 2016 because of her active involvement in that world.

How old were you when you came out? 18

What’s the one piece of advice you have for young LGBTQIA+ people? Love yourself unconditionally.

What is the biggest issue facing the LGBTQIA+ community? It’s acceptance in people living in their truth.

Have you ever been physically assaulted because you are a member of the LGBTQIA+ community? No

LGBTQIA+ figure you most respect? My gay mother Tamara King who has started her own trucking company from the ground up.

As a trans woman, what is the biggest obstacle you face in society? The biggest obstacle I had to overcome was letting society know that I have a place here and I am determined to be all I can be whether anyone likes it or not.

A 48-year-old pansexual from Hagerstown who has been in a gay relationship for 20 years and goes by the pronouns he and him.

As the head bartender of one of the nation’s oldest gay bars, he has seen it all — the good, the bad, and sometimes the ugly. But he understands the importance of having a dedicated space for the LGBTQ community — particularly when mainstream society isn’t welcoming. That means being an unofficial therapist to many of his customers who are looking for a stiff drink to erase the sting of the outside world.

“I actually really enjoy it,” he said of being a sounding board for customers — many of whom are distrustful of the medical field after years of mistreatment and discrimination. “Generally, we all tend to have very similar problems and issues. That is comforting for me to hear.”

What age did you come out? I have actually never come out to anyone. I have been living with the same man for 20 years and my parents are not stupid. I have never felt the need to discuss my personal life with anyone.

What advice would you give to younger LGBTQIA+ people? They need to calm down. They need to stop looking for things to be mad about. They need to learn to love and try to get along.

What is the biggest issue facing the LGBTQIA+ community? Themselves. We are all people. We need to stop trying to prove ourselves to each other. We need to stop looking for excuses to be mad at someone and having microaggressions. We need to realize that life is hard for everyone — not just ourselves.

Have you ever been physically attacked because you are a member of the LGBTQIA+ community? I have been physically assaulted by a member of the community while at work. I was stabbed by a homosexual [last] Valentine’s Day. I believe he came in the bar looking for love, and when he didn’t find it, he unfortunately took it out on me.

What is the importance of having safe spaces for LGBTQIA+ people? People need a place they can feel like themselves. They need security in their life. And that doesn’t always need to be a bar. The community self-medicates hard and sometimes you just need someone to talk to.

A 42-year-old lesbian, political strategist and consultant who lives in Baltimore and goes by the pronouns she, her and hers.

After 20 years working for Baltimore City Schools as a district administrator and special education teacher, Paxton started to transition from the hustle and bustle of the classroom to the political world — in part to shape the “decision-making process within my own community.”

This year, as the political lead in Baltimore for Angela Alsobrooks, she was heavily involved in staffing, events, and connecting the Prince George’s County executive with important constituents in Charm City during the politician’s historic bid to be the state’s first Black woman senator.

In fact, Paxton introduced Alsobrooks to Baltimore Safe Haven, an advocacy group for trans women. She also worked to get Alsobrooks to participate in Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott’s Trans Day of Visibility event in April, and participate in this weekend’s Baltimore Pride Parade.

“I found a new passion, community organizing and political strategy to help educate and inform others about their local, state and federal elected officials,” she said.

How old were you when you came out? 16

What’s the one piece of advice you have for young LGBTQIA+ people? Be confident in who you are by taking the time to learn yourself. Stop caring about what people think and don’t let them define you.

What is the biggest issue facing the LGBTQIA+ community? Healthcare access

Have you ever been physically assaulted because you are a member of the LGBTQIA+ community? No, I have not been assaulted — thankfully.

LGBTQIA+ historical figure you most respect? Audre Lorde

Why is it important that the LGBTQIA+ community be politically informed and active? There are individuals working to oppress the existence and restrict the rights of LGBTQIA+ people on many of the issues that the communities face. Learning about important issues allows for sound decision-making that can determine a better quality of life so that we can enjoy living openly without discrimination and enjoy equal rights that others are able to daily.

A 38-year-old multifaceted entertainer, owner of Antoine Entertainment and co-owner of The Club Car Baltimore who lives in the Mount Vernon/Station North area of Baltimore who is gay and doesn’t care what pronoun people use.

The veteran drag queen who goes by the name Karmella has dedicated their life to providing a sense of community for LGBTQIA+ people. That means Antoine hosts a series of activities throughout the week so that LGBTQIA+ people have a place to go. Mondays are themed movie nights where takeout food is served at the bar Leon’s. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays are karaoke at Leon’s where Antoine also sings and DJs to go along with sassy commentary. And then Antoine is a part owner of The Club Car, a queer cocktail bar and performance venue in Station North, which has become a spot for LGBTQIA+ community members to perform cabaret.

The lively nights provide more than entertainment — they provide a sense of family for many in the community.

“It’s a way for us to connect outside of sex, or drunken stupors or whatever the case may be,” Antoine said. “That’s why hosting events even as simple as karaoke helps the community by providing a safe place and support system for individuals suffering from homelessness, depression, or just acceptance in general.”

How old were you when you came out? 15

What’s the one piece of advice you have for young LGBTQIA+ people? Know thy self and display it at all times, unapologetically; not rudely. Respect your elders and those who have come before you and guide you. Above all, know your LGBTQIA+ history.

What is the biggest issue facing the LGBTQIA+ community?

Just one? No, but all jokes aside I would say our current political and social climate is our biggest threat to everyone. Also, supporting each other as a community as a whole.

Have you ever been physically assaulted because you are a member of the LGBTQIA+ community?

Growing up gay in Harford County of course I was definitely a target in my younger years. But once high school started that stopped. Mainly, I think due in part to me being my unapologetic self. In my adult life I am mostly in queer friendly spaces, and I have been fortunate enough to not have any such encounter. However, when I am not in my safe spaces, I am aware there are still threats of hate and violence, so I am constantly staying aware and vigilant of my surroundings.

LGBTQIA+ historical figure you most respect?

I’m going to say Harvey Fierstein, Harvey Milk, Marcia P. Johnson, and RuPaul, Andre Charles just to name a few.

Why is it important that the LGBTQIA+ community has social activities and spaces open to them during holidays and other occasions usually spent with biological family?

I believe that we are one big queer family and as a person that is seen in this community, I think it is our duty to welcome fellowship during times that may or may not involve family.

A 33-year-old Black, queer, nonbinary, trans person who is a LGBTQ inclusion and nonprofit management consultant who lives Southeast Baltimore and goes by the pronouns they and them.

As the current interim executive director of Blaq Equity Baltimore, Lyles has been tasked with continuing the mission of carving out space for the Black LGBTQ community in Baltimore. Started in 2002, the organization has provided alternative representation in the often racially fractured and white-led LGBTQIA+ community. It’s tireless work — especially because the group is responsible for organizing the annual Black Pride programming, which occurs each fall. Lyles’ own journey to self-realization and acceptance has been a long, extensive one. And it’s still continuing.

How old were you when you came out?

I was probably around 16 or 17 when I first started publicly identifying as gay. My identifies have changed plenty since then, and since then I’ve come out multiple times, in multiple ways, as multiple things to multiple people.

Around 31 or 32, I came out again as a nonbinary transgender person. While there have definitely been difficulties navigating the world as a nonbinary person, coming out was not difficult. It was liberating, exciting and one of the best ways I’ve loved myself. While I hold identities that have been historically marginalized, I am also a privileged person in many ways. As someone who has never had their basic needs threatened, has always had access to health care, has always been able to find employment, and is still often read as a man, I have had pathways cleared for me that made building a more free life easier for me. Many of us occupy spaces of privilege and oppression at the same time.”

What’s the one piece of advice you have for young LGBTQIA+ people?

Never feel like who you are is a mistake, or should be something to hide. You are a part of a big family and long lineage of brilliant, strong people who understand you, love you and are willing to care for you. If you ever feel like you need us, we’re here. We’re never too far away.

What is the biggest issue facing the LGBTQIA+ community?

The systemic dehumanization and outright attack on transgender, nonbinary and gender-expansive people, especially working-class Black and brown trans people. Sadly, there are people within our community who harbor hate against trans people. Society’s limited views on gender harms us all.

Have you ever been physically assaulted because you are a member of the LGBTQIA+ community?

Perhaps maybe once or twice someone tried to physically intimidate me when I was younger, but there’s nothing that stands out. I am fortunate to have had a relatively mild experience growing up. For the most part, I was able to build a strong sense of self and build a strong community.

Who is the LGBTQIA+ historical figure you most respect?

Bayard Rustin comes to mind. He was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s trusted adviser and lead organizer of the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. His tremendous story is largely left out of our history books because he was gay. His sexuality was shielded and sidelined during a time where one couldn’t be openly and proudly both Black and gay. His story is inspiring to me.

You use the pronouns they/them. Why is it important that people use the proper pronouns to identify nonbinary folks and transgender individuals?

I think it’s important to use correct pronouns for all people, which includes transgender and nonbinary people. All of us desire to be treated with respect, and referred to as we see ourselves. Denying us to use our pronouns will not erase us. It’s a basic and harmless signal of respect for a fellow human. Additionally, I think every single one of us, trans or otherwise, should interrogate how gender stereotypes, norms and expectations influence how we build relationships with ourselves and each other. Gender is not solely an LGBTQ topic — it’s a topic that affects all us.

This story was republished with permission from The Baltimore Banner. Visit for more.



New Generation Scholars Artist Archival Fellows visit the Baltimore Museum of Art. Shown here from left to right (back row): Naimah Eggleston, former NGS Youth Scholar; Jessica Bell Brown, BMA curator and department head of contemporary art; Breyanna Dabney and Khalil McFarlane. Shown on front row: Teylah Saunders, left, and Daisha McIlwain. (Photo courtesy of Muse 360)

Juneteenth Exhibition: ‘Soon Come’ celebrates young artists as they reimagine the future
by Deyane Moses
Published June 17 in The AFRO

Excerpt: A powerful new exhibition is set to open in Baltimore on June 19, offering a multifaceted exploration of Black history, identity and imagination. “Soon Come” explores beyond traditional narratives, foregrounding the enduring strength and creative spirit of Black communities.

Opening on Juneteenth, the exhibition, curated by Sharayna Christmas, executive director of Muse 360, and co-curated by Jordan Carter, Program Manager of Muse 360, goes beyond mere commemoration.

Through a vibrant tapestry of textiles, photography, video, sound, assemblage and poetry, emerging artists from the New Generation Scholars Young Artist Archival Fellowship reclaim lost histories and reimagine a future brimming with possibility.



Video posted on social media from the Baltimore Pride event Saturday night appears to show a substance being sprayed into the crowd. (@ddciaga)

Police and first responders failed to promptly help injured at Pride event, some attendees say
by Peder Schaefer
Published June 17 in Baltimore Beat

Excerpt: Eyewitnesses to the chaos that erupted after noxious gas was released at the Baltimore Pride event on Saturday said they saw multiple people in medical distress – and first responders who failed to act promptly to assist injured partygoers.

Attendee Sam Child told The Brew that at about 8:37 p.m. they saw a huge “whitish cloud of vapor” erupt near the main stage at North Avenue and Charles Street, after which the crowd began stampeding out of the area.

“First people screamed, then the performers ran off the stage, and then there was a massive movement of people down the street,” Child’s brother, Jake Child, said.

“We saw coughing, vomiting and red eyes. There was a child being carried by their parents who was coughing and in respiratory distress,” Sam Child, a registered nurse, continued.

See also:

Police say they didn’t spray a chemical agent at Pride. Why don’t those who attended believe it?
by Brenna Smith and John-John Williams IV
Published June 18 in The Baltimore Banner



Gov. Wes Moore signs an executive order June 17 to pardon 175,000 misdemeanor cannabis convictions. Photo by William J. Ford.

Moore signs order pardoning 175,000 misdemeanor cannabis convictions
by William J. Ford
Published June 17 in Maryland Matters

Excerpt: Maryland Gov. Wes Moore (D) signed an executive order Monday pardoning 175,000 misdemeanor cannabis-related convictions, forgiving low-level convictions for a drug that is now legal in Maryland for medical and recreational use by those over age 21.

There is no official count for the number of people who will receive pardons – the executive order applies to a list of convictions compiled by the state’s courts, not of individuals convicted – but administration officials estimate that as many as 100,000 people could be affected.

Those people should see updates to their electronic court files in the next two weeks noting that they have been pardoned for their convictions on simple marijuana possession or possession of drug paraphernalia, the two crimes covered by the executive order.

“It’s done,” a smiling Moore said after he signed the order inside the governor’s reception room.

See also:

Maryland has pardoned some cannabis convictions. Here’s how to clear your record.
by Brenda Wintrode and Pamela Wood
Published June 17 in The Baltimore Banner



Everyman Presents Baltimore, Broadway, and Beyond
Press Release :: June 15

Everyman Theatre is thrilled to announce the upcoming cabaret series, Baltimore, Broadway, and Beyond featuring the incomparable Felicia Curry and weekly special guests. This limited engagement, running from July 10-28, 2024, promises to be a celebration of musical legends with a set list that includes songs by amazing artists such as jazz musician Ethel Ennis, composer and lyricist Stephen Sondheim, and the spectacular Nina Simone. This will mark Everyman’s introduction to a summer music series, and the first event of the new season that offers earlier curtain times (all evening shows will be at 7 p.m. and matinee shows at 1 p.m.)

In preparation for this event, Everyman will be making changes to the venue that have never been done before: transforming its main stage theatre into a cabaret-style night club room, complete with cocktail tables, ambient lighting, and a swanky bar, providing an intimate atmosphere for this unique musical experience. This event will feature the Musical Direction of Tina Faye. making her Everyman Theatre debut. The series will be directed by Associate Artistic Director, Noah Himmelstein.

Felicia Curry, an Everyman Theatre Resident Company Member, will lead this extraordinary series with her dynamic presence and remarkable vocal talent. This musical series will be an evening of storytelling and song that celebrates the rich musical and cultural heritage that weaves through the very fabric of Charm City, with all the glitz, glamour, and flair of a classic Broadway cabaret.

“I have had the privilege of collaborating with Felicia many times now, and her brilliant talent, excellent wit, and emotional commitment to what she puts her heart on always surprises me. She will be joined each week by a beloved performer from the DC theatre scene; ensuring a vibrant and varied program from week to week.”, says Himmelstein,” When beginning to ponder what a new Everyman music series might look like, I knew we could create no finer summer show than an ecstatic evening where Felicia expertly sings her range of musical influences through joyful storytelling.”

Curry made her Broadway debut as an understudy for six roles in the revival of Stephen Sondheim’s Into the Woods. She went on to perform the roles of The Witch and Jack’s Mother and was also featured on the National tour of Sondheim’s beloved musical. Curry is based in Washington D.C. and her versatility and depth as a performer have been highlighted in various other roles, from a starring role as Nina Simone in Nina Simone: Four Women at Berkshire Theatre Group, earning her a Berkshire Theatre Award for her role as Celie in The Color Purple (Virginia Repertory Theatre) for which she received an RTCC Award for Best Lead Actor. She has also captivated audiences with her performances in productions such as My Lord, What a Night at Ford’s Theatre. Over the course of the pandemic, Curry starred in Caleen Sinette Jennings’s one woman play, Queen’s Girl: Black in the Green Mountains, the third installation in the Queens Girl series. The live performances were limited, and the production was later filmed for digital release and received a mention in The New York Times as “must-see theatre to stream.”

“Audiences at Baltimore Broadway and Beyond can expect an enchanting evening filled with the soul-stirring melodies of jazz greats and the lyrical genius of Broadway legends, states Curry, “every note promises to be a celebration of legendary music and storytelling. It’s not just a performance; it’s an experience that will resonate with the heart and stir the spirit.” Ms. Curry is the Emmy nominated host of WETAA Arts on WETA/PBS. She is a four-time host of the Helen Hayes Awards, received a Helen Hayes Award for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Play for Factory 449’s LELA & CO, three Helen Hayes Awards for Outstanding Ensemble, and eight additional Helen Hayes nominations. She was also listed in the Washington Post 12 Stage Dynamos and Washingtonian Magazine list of 10 Stage Stars. When Felicia returns to Baltimore for this engagement, she will have completed a run as Undine in Lynn Nottage’s Fabulation, or the Reeducation of Undine during the reopening of the iconic Billie Holiday Theatre, and in the thriller Sandra by David Cale at TheatreWorks Hartford.

Ticket Information

Audiences will have the opportunity to enjoy reserved table floor seats ($65) or general admission theatre seats ($42.00), with a special ‘Meet and Greet’ package ($125) available on select dates for those wishing to meet Felicia Curry post-performance with a complimentary drink and dessert. Performances will take place Wednesday- Saturday nights at 7p.m., and Sunday afternoons at 1p.m. from July 10- July 28.



Parade participants carry a rainbow "LOVE" balloon at Baltimore Pride on June 15, 2024 (Ronica Edwards/The Baltimore Banner)

PHOTOS: Baltimore Pride Parade rolls through the streets of city [Photo Essay]
by Kaitlin Newman
Published June 15 in The Baltimore Banner

Excerpt: Baltimore’s annual Pride Parade took place Saturday in a flood of rainbows, glitter, sequins and happy energy, all within this year’s theme, “Power of The past, Force of the Future.”

Participants tossed beads, pins, stickers, and pride flags at the spectators who lined North Charles Street from 33rd Street to 23rd Street. Baltimore Pride started as a small event in 1975 when activists came together for a peaceful demonstration for LGBTQ rights.

The Baltimore Pride Parade has moved all over the city. It has been celebrated in downtown, from Charles Plaza to the 200 block of Chase Street; to Park Avenue, the Wyman Park Dell, and now to its current

… this story continues. Read the rest at The Baltimore Banner: PHOTOS: Baltimore Pride Parade rolls through the streets of city



Aave Blue performs in the VIP car during B&O Railroad Museum’s Ridin’ the Rails: Pride Train and Party on June 15, 2024. (Kylie Cooper/The Baltimore Banner)

All aboard the Pride Train at B&O Railroad Museum [Photo Essay]
by Kylie Cooper
Published June 15 in The Baltimore Banner

Excerpt: As B&O Railroad Museum’s “Royal Blue” train traveled down the first mile of commercial railroad track laid in the U.S., drag queens sashayed down the aisles. Music pumped from speakers placed atop the luggage racks, and the air was full of dollar bills — tips waiting to be accepted by performers.

When the 40-minute-long journey was over, people crowded under the museum’s outdoor pavilion to escape the rain and dance.

RuPaul’s Drag Race Queen Mhi’ya Man Le’Paige entertained the crowd, along with local performers Stormi Skye, Ervena Chloe, Sorority Heights and Anita Hiro. This is the second year the B&O Railroad Museum has hosted the event in celebration of Pride Month.

… this story continues. Read the rest at The Baltimore Banner: All aboard the Pride Train at B&O Railroad Museum



A mural of Helena Hicks, painted by Andrew Pisacane/ Gaia, in the 200 block of West Lexington Street. Photo by Ed Gunts.

Tribute to civil rights advocate Helena Hicks is one of 21 new murals near Lexington Market
by Ed Gunts
Published June 14 in Baltimore Fishbowl

Excerpt: The late civil rights advocate and preservationist Helena Hicks has been honored with a mural near the former Read’s drug store at Howard and Lexington streets, where she led an anti-segregation sit-in in 1955.

Andrew Pisacane, a Baltimore-based artist also known as Gaia, painted a portrait of Hicks this month on the metal gate of a vacant storefront in the 200 block of West Lexington Street as a tribute to her. “In memory of Helena Hicks,” it says at the bottom, with the word ‘Reads’ partially visible on the right side of the painting.

Gaia’s homage to Hicks is one of 21 murals that were created as part of “Art After Dark,” an evening of “live art and music” held last week in and around The Meadow green space at Lexington Street and Park Avenue.

See also:

Muralists are turning Midtown’s Maryland Avenue Bridge into a work of art
by Ed Gunts
Published June 13 in Baltimore Fishbowl



header image: Tysheria Dorsey poses for a portrait with her wings at Baltimore Pride on June 15, 2024. (Kaitlin Newman/The Baltimore Banner)

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