Jaddie Fang

Jaddie Fang

Jaddie Fang has worked as an independent curator, writer, film translator, skateboarder and artist for over a decade. Her works include photography, video, music, and writing under the pseudonym "小玉", "小鬻, or Jaddie Fang since 2011. Born and raised in Taiwan, she currently resides in Baltimore Maryland working as a freelancer and independent curator since 2017.

Stories by Jaddie Fang
Micah Wood and Christopher Chester on Creatively Archiving Baltimore

A new photo book, Scene Seen, weaves together 85 bands, over 200 portraits, and 300 pages into a tribute to Baltimore’s creative resilience, documenting the essence of the music scene from 2016 to 2024. 

Authorship, Remix, and Identity in the Age of AI

"In a world of mass production, I believe it's important not to be too precious about the original. As an artist, I encourage others to borrow, alter, or even mess with my work. I find excitement in the idea that my work can evolve and change. It’s about the spirit of making art..."

Ahead of Their September 22nd Show at Rams Head Live, McNew Reflects on a 40-Year Career

Yo La Tengo is a group that embodies a unique essence—their music is romantically heartfelt yet slightly whimsical, hiding a touch of noise within its melodic beauty.

Fussell's New Album "When I'm Called" Offers an Untraditional Take on America's Musical Traditions

Last month Jake Xerxes Fussell brought luminous, heartwarming guitar and deeply sentimental singing to Metro Gallery for his Baltimore debut.