“The process of mending the amputated leg has really been impressive. In addition to the artist group (Jordan Bernier, John Bohl, Alex Ebstein, Sara Seidman, Steve Santillan & Elie Sollins), its brought other artist, passersby, and skateboarders together as a surgical team. Wednesday (7/23), Thao Nguyen (another participating artist in Outdoor Lounge) Owen, Wheatie, and others sold lemon-aid and spring rolls, off Andrew Eklund’s porch installation, as a fund raiser for the operation on the pants. Sunday (7/27) at 6pm the pants ramp will reopen with a cast.”
– Michael Benevento, curator of ‘Outdoor Lounge & Outdoor Lounge Satellite’
“The pants will have a re-opening on Sunday evening beginning around 6pm. There will be a bakesale with lots of yummies, including vegan treats. We hope to have a bunch of people around to celebrate the recently bandaged leg.”
– Jordan Bernier