MASKED, curated by Joan Weber MASKED is an exploration of work about concealment, secrets, self-conscious and social constructions of identity which ultimately reveal a new face –a brilliant corona of strength, integrity and courage. Each work is a performance piece of sorts; the artists have used their own bodies or their own biographies to very directly create a presence that suggests a story or a secret. However, rather than being a study in psychology or narrative, where one might work to discover that secret, this assembly is exciting in that even while experiencing the powerfully posited content on the surface, we know that there is an equally powerfully complex internal life.
Opening Reception: Saturday, May 9 6-9pm
Gallery talk with Joan Weber, curator: Saturday, May 23 1-3pm
Poetry Reading Featuring Rosemary Winslow, Judith McCombs, Teri Cross Davis, and Clarinda Harriss: Thursday, June 11, 2009 6:30-8pm
Masked will utilize all three exhibition spaces at School 33 Art Center.