PAUSE is a group show featuring work by Elizabeth Crisman, Laura Hughes and Lu Zhang. Through a range of media, these three artists invite viewers to examine individual elements of larger narratives or events. Charged with meaning, the work serves as a meeting point of the unknown and the familiar, the concrete and the abstract.
The Stamp Gallery
Opening Reception: Thursday, June 25 from 6:00 – 8:00
University of Maryland College Park
Elizabeth Crisman uses X-rays of various body parts to create compositions that reference the evolution of human beings and the passage of time. Crisman received her BFA in ceramics and jewelry from the Virginia Commonwealth University and subsequently completed her MFA from the Graduate Photography and Digital Image program at the Maryland Institute College of Art. She recently was awarded an individual artist grant from the Maryland State Arts Council and attended an artist’s residency at the Vermont Studio Center in 2008. Currently, she teaches photography and art history at several Baltimore area colleges.
Laura Hughes uses a variety of materials including wood, glass, steel, foam and chalk to create site responsive installations. She was born in Buffalo, New York and moved to Baltimore, Maryland to attend the Maryland Institute College of Art in 2005. She received her degree in interdisciplinary sculpture in 2009, and is still living and working in Baltimore.
Lu Zhang traveled to China in 2006-07 where she sketched elaborate opera headdresses and studied the effects the current international art market has on contemporary Chinese art making. Lu creates pen and ink drawings, as well as sculpture. In 2004 Zhang graduated summa cum laude with a BFA from the Maryland Institute College of Art. She currently lives and works in Baltimore.
The show is curated by Alexandra Douglas-Barrera, Fernando Ramirez and Alison Reilly. For more information, go to