Holiday Heap – a FREE indie and alternative craft fair featuring a wide array of the country’s best crafters – will take place on December 5th from 10 AM to 5 PM at St. John’s Church, located at 2640 St. Paul St, Baltimore, MD 21218.
40+ vendors, juried from applicants nationwide, will include local favorites Bowerbox Press, Cotton Monster, HVM Designs, illegible ink, Kiss My Crafts, Phampersand Press, Pink Kiss Pottery, Pistol Designs, Red Prairie Press, Spaghetti Kiss Productions, Sweet Pepita, and many more! Local weaver Carlybird Weaves will be on hand with aMake-Your-Own Hula Hoop table! Red Emma’s Coffee Shop will offer coffee & vegan snacks.
For a full list of vendors, information on the fair and more information on theCharm City Craft Mafia and its talented members, please click here.