
“Conversations” Episode 15: Connie Imboden

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Liz Donadio Interviews Connie Imboden

Connie Imboden was first introduced to photography at the age of 17 in a class at MICA. Since then, she has always used the camera to document the human body, abstracting form to intuitively express psychological states.

imboden_01-07-16-121Untitled #01-07-16-121

The artist lives and makes work in Maryland but also travels extensively throughout the US and abroad, leading photography workshops and speaking about her work. Her photographs are in the permanent collections of national and international museums as well as held in public and private collections.

Over the course of her career, Connie has exhibited widely in group and solo shows around the word, most recently in China. Her retrospective at Y:Art Gallery in Baltimore features photographs made over three decades, from early black and white prints to recent large-format color images printed on aluminum.

imboden_06-09-16-972-editUntitled #01-07-16-121

In addition to her personal work, Connie is the president of the William G. Baker Jr. Memorial Fund and a co-founder of the prestigious Baker Artist Awards. Active since 2008, the Baker Awards are dedicated to providing resources and support to artists of any discipline or background, at any point in their career.

The interview was conducted in September of 2016 at Y:Art Gallery in Baltimore.

connieimboden_ci_vip_opening_10_16_017Exhibition at Y:ART Gallery October 19 -November 26, 2016.
Opening Night. Installation view

connieimboden_ci_vip_opening_10_16_004Exhibition Y:ART Gallery 2016. Opening Night. Patricia Dwyer and Sydney Hopkins.
Catering by Kim Battista

imboden_opening_img_1160Exhibition Y:ART Gallery 2016. Opening Night.

imboden_opening_ci_vip_opening_10_16_191Exhibition Y:ART Gallery. Opening Night.
In middle of photo, John Ruppert and Katherine Kavanaugh

connieimboden_ci_vip_opening_10_16_040Exhibition Y:ART Gallery 2016. Opening Night.
Connie Imboden and Neil Meyerhof

imboden_openingExhibition Y:ART Gallery 2016. Opening Night. Juli Yensho, owner of Y:ART,
Connie and Sydney Hopkins, artist

connieimboden_ci_vip_opening_10_16_120Exhibition Y:ART Gallery 2016. Opening Night.
David London of GBCA, Rhea Feikin

connieimboden-_ci_vip_opening_10_16_135Exhibition Y:ART Gallery 2016. Opening Night.
Carl Stevens talking to group

imboden_opening_mg_1131Exhibition Y:ART Gallery 2016. Opening Night.-
Connie, George Ciscle, and Juli Yensho, owner of Y:ART

imboden_04-14-09-462-1_Untitled #01-07-16-121

imboden_06-10-09-189Untitled #01-07-16-121

imboden_09-04-13-287Untitled #01-07-16-121

imboden_connietoolbeltConnie, at 5 wearing her favorite tool belt (1958)

imboden_with_buttonsConnie, with dog (1958)

imboden_1958boat2Connie 5 yrs old on the Queen Mary traveling to Europe in 1958 with her Aunt Mary.
Mary is the namesake of William G Baker JR. Memorial Fund’s
Mary Sawyer Baker Artist Awards

imboden_conniematador_9yrsoldConnie, 9 years old, as a matador (1961 )

imboden_connieparty_25yrs-old-tiff25 yrs old at party (1978 )

imboden_1988siberia4Traveling in Siberia  (1988 )

imboden_lil-connie-self-4Early photograph-self portrait.

imboden_lil-connie-self-5Early photograph, self portrait.

imboden_3454_1991Untitled #3454

imboden_3573_1991Untitled #3575

imboden_4442_1992Untitled #4442

imboden_5978_1995Untitled #5978

imboden_delaware-beach-2005Connie with her wife, Patricia Dwyer
and their children on Delaware Bay (2005 )

imboden_machu-pichu-2008Connie and Patricia at Machu Pichu (2008 )

imboden_goldenfmstne-09Winning the Golden Formstone award presented by J.D.Talasek (2009 )

imboden_connie-broken-wrist-2015Connie shooting with broken wrist (2015 )


Connie Critiquing (2015)

imboden_11159_2005Untitled #01-07-16-121


imboden_visceral-thoughts_1987Viscural thoughts


“Conversations” is a podcast series on the arts and culture of the Baltimore Region produced by BmoreArt. The series is funded by a Warhol Foundation Grit Fund Grant administered through The Contemporary of Baltimore.

The “Conversations” podcast series is recorded and produced by Jack Livingston.

This Interview was conducted by Liz Donadio, a Baltimore-based photographer, professor, and owner of Color Wheel Printing Services.

“Conversations” intro music by 98Owls .




















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