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Through Fractured Atlas, our non-profit fiscal sponsor, you can make a one-time or monthly tax-deductible donation to BmoreArt’s ongoing operating costs: BmoreArt Fractured Atlas.
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BmoreArt is fiscally sponsored by Fractured Atlas, a 501(c)(3) public charity for artists and art based organizations. This means that contributions for the purposes of Bmoreart are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. We appreciate your support more than you know!! Contributions for the charitable purposes of Bmoreart must be made payable to Fractured Atlas only and are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
For Foundations, Corporations, Government Agencies, or Other Institutional Grantors: Fractured Atlas will receive grants for the purposes of BmoreArt, provide oversight to ensure that grant funds are used in accordance with grant agreements, and provide reports as required by the grantor.
If tax deductions are not a concern, you can donate directly to BmoreArt via PayPal or through our tiered subscription service at an amount that works for you.
Why Support BmoreArt?
Independent art like BmoreArt publications play a critical role in the art world by providing a platform for artists, writers, and curators to share their work and ideas with new audiences. Unlike mainstream art magazines, independent art publications are often run by small teams or even individual creators who are dedicated to highlighting emerging artists, alternative viewpoints, and unconventional forms of expression that may not receive attention in more mainstream outlets.
Within local and regional communities, independent art publications like BmoreArt foster a sense of community among artists and art patrons and enthusiasts. Our goal is to create a space for dialogue and exchange, as well as a sense of connection, especially for individuals previously marginalized or excluded from the dominant art world, whose work may not be represented in mainstream galleries or museums. BmoreArt prioritizes critical inquiry, experimentation, and risk-taking at a regional scale, and consistently offers up challenges to the dominant narratives and power structures that shape the art world. This leads to a greater diversity of perspectives and approaches, as well as a more dynamic and inclusive art scene overall.
BmoreArt’s daily online content and biannual print journals allow for the preservation and dissemination of knowledge and history. By documenting and archiving contemporary art movements and trends, we help to ensure that essential voices and ideas are not lost to time. We serve as a resource for future generations of artists and scholars, providing a window into the cultural and intellectual landscape of the present moment.