The question of whether or not contemporary society has fallen into the realm of “the future” is of little importance; there is no avoiding “the future.” It is already here. We have arrived at the center of 2012 with both unimaginable progress and advanced disappointment from former generations’ perceivable futures. When one thinks of both the future and past, the genre of Science Fiction comes to mind. A category that started as a reaction to new forms of technology and gradually became obscured by the mass volume of pulp novels, comics, and films, science fiction has helped inform contemporary art in a variety of ways.
Future Daze uses the lens of science fiction to help us understand our own reality as reflected in the possibilities of alternate or future worlds. From finely detailed graphite drawings and comic strips to altered objects of the everyday and exposed stage sets, Future Daze offers the viewer an opportunity to both reflect and engage with these anticipated and alternative futures.