
Party Photos from Issue 05 Magazine Release

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BmoreArt’s Magazine Release Party at the Engineer’s Club, Photo Essay by Theresa Keil

Thank you for coming out on Thursday, May 10 to support art, culture, and your local art publication!!! Baltimore brought so much style to the Engineer’s Club and photographer Theresa Keil has captured it stunningly.

So many thanks for all who supported us by purchasing tickets, and to our sponsors: The Engineer’s Club, Glenfiddich Scotch and brand ambassador Tracie Franklin (that Scotch tasting!), Hotel Indigo, Pixilated, and the Robert W. Deutsch Foundation, without whom we would not exist.

We hope you’ll come out for our next issue and launch next fall… the location of the party will match the theme of the next magazine. We’ll surprise you.

For more photos, check our Pixilated Link here!

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