Are there any photos you’ve published on Instagram or elsewhere you regret?
Definitely. The coronavirus apocalypse is making me way too anxious to want to think about that for too long right now, though.
Who are some of your favorite artists on/offline? Who else should we be FOLLOWING?
Some of my fave IG accounts right now are @michellegroskopf, @lucia_buricelli, @chrismaggio, @kyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyle, @photodre, @tom_brenner, and @kristaschlueter. Every time @eiji_ohashi_photographer posts one of his incredible vending machine photos it makes me want to cry for not thinking of the idea first.
There’s some mind-boggling statistic about how humanity has taken more stupid photos in one year of the past decade than in the whole history of image-making since cave paintings (or something) and “X” number of them are probably of Kylie Jenner’s boobs or whatever. What do you think the future is of image making in this context? How do we even assign meaning to anything?
Honestly, the whole coronavirus thing is making me too anxious to think about the future for more than a couple of seconds at a time. I really hope people keep taking stupid photos, though. I love them.
On the topic of the coronavirus, I’ve really been enjoying the Instagram stories you’ve been posting that are (I’m assuming) just cropped screen captures of headlines. Can you talk about those? I think it’s an interesting adaptation for your practice in the absence of human interaction.
There’s been so much weird news during this. The actual apocalypse is happening, but the content machine has to keep churning. So the Daily Mail and TMZ are filled with headlines like, “Mike Tyson Reveals He Is ‘Looking Forward’ to Death” and “Evangeline Lily Won’t Self-Quarantine, Values ‘Freedom’ Over Her Life” and “Singer Keri Hilson Bizarrely Blames Coronavirus on 5G Network and Radiation.” Truly incredible stuff. I was screencapping them and posting them on my IG stories, but I’ve mostly stopped because I’ve been trying to look at the news/my phone less during this quarantine, because every time I look at the news or social media it feels like someone is sitting on my chest.
Maybe I’ll pick it back up. Seeing truly unhinged word salad like “EXCLUSIVE: Amal Clooney’s fashion forward sister served time in PRISON for drunk driving before being released and selling $138 designer leopard print coronavirus masks and hand sanitizer pouches” might lift my spirits.
Any plan to archive/display them somehow? I think they’re brilliant and kinda get back to that “Pictures Generation/Post-photography” vein I was talking about. We’re living through some really wild times and this gesture feels important for posterity.
I will create a story highlight, just for you.
So I have Spotify on while I’m scrolling through your Instagram, and I just passed your image of the “BOB IS DEAD” sign at the same time that Miss Kittin & The Hacker song “Frank Sinatra” came on. I bring this up because it occurred to me that your photography feels like the contemporary visual analogue of turn-of-the-millenium electroclash music without the glamour. Or rather, the lack of glamour in the world is laid bare. Does that even make any sense?
I’m not sure if this is an insult or a compliment, but thank you either way!
It’s definitely a compliment! I’m thinking of artists like Ladytron and their sense of dark irony that almost feels like a guilty pleasure… this sort of ambiguous relationship to the mainstream and its capitalist values where there’s almost a pre-emptive nostalgia for the kitsch of the present? But with a critical eye like the Situationists and a kinda punk sensibility that infiltrates and appropriates the language of consumption…This might be a random association, but that other Miss Kittin song “Madame Hollywood” feels like a good soundtrack to your photos of LA streetscapes…
I’m probably going to steal these words, too. Thank you for setting me up to sound smarter than I am!