Want to know what artwork and studios look like all around Baltimore? The School 33 Studio Tour is the best way to answer this question. Artist and new Baltimore resident Dwayne Butcher went to eight different locations – Creative Alliance, School 33, Kelly Walker, Bromo Tower, Hampden Mill Center, Parkdale Building 1, Ash Street Studios, and Gallery 788 – to scope out as much art as is humanly possible. As you will see, he had quite a busy weekend.
Creative Alliance Live/Works Spaces – www.creativealliance.org
The two unknown images are from works in the hallway that were not labeled nor near any particular studio. Apparently they are from a class taught at CA.
School 33 Studios – www.school33.org
Several of these studios that were listed to be open, were not. Others said they left around 230-3. So, I missed them. Oh well.
Ruri Yi
Kelly Walker Art Star Studios – http://artstarcustompaintworks.com
If there was one artist that stands out, from a purely marketing standpoint, it is Kelly Walker. Not to be confused with the NYC based Kelly Walker of Guyton/Walker. BMore’s Kelly Walker is branded as an “ART STAR” which you can plainly see labeled on her trailer and as evident with her email [email protected]. She does commissioned based paintings but the focus of her studio is faux finishing and collaborating with interior designers. She just moved into this space and was giving away shots of rum. I had two. She also has a very friendly OSHA compliant studio, as you can see with the guy on the ladder holding his rum.
Bromo Seltzer Arts Tower – http://www.bromoseltzertower.com
Studio 11 Theatre at Bromo Tower
Mill Center, Hampden
Parkdale Building 1
Third Floor, Parkdale Building
Ash Street Studios
By far the most interesting work and studio set-up was at Ash Studios. They were even giving away beer coasters. Nice. Only one artist was present and she was sitting at the front door saying hello to everyone and giving away the coasters. However, the majority of the studios did not have any names or anything to identify the artists. Oh well.
Gallery 788