Important news from Single Carrot Theatre
Press Release
January 25, 2023
Dear friends and collaborators,
It is with a wave of complex emotions that after 15 years of joyfully serving Baltimore City and beyond with bold, transformative theatre and impactful, inspiring arts programming, Single Carrot Theatre has decided to close at the end of the fiscal year. Over the years, we have been honored by the incredible support we have received from the people of Baltimore and humbled by the talent and partnership of hundreds of collaborating artists.
To staff, artists, community partners, board members, and audiences, we are deeply grateful for the generosity, passion, knowledge and talents you have shared with us over these many years. Fifteen years is a good long run, and we are proud of the creative work we have brought to this city. We will dedicate much of our remaining time to celebrating our impact and legacy with all of you, so please stay tuned on our website and social media for more details to come.
Our reasons for closing are complex, multi-faceted and layered. Chief among these is the natural migration of Single Carrot Theatre leadership, in the coinciding of the planned departure of SCT’s 9 year tenured Artistic Director and the Executive Director’s move to a new sector. Furthermore, compounding post-pandemic organizational challenges have made sustaining a theater of our size ever more difficult. These include issues of staffing shortages and stretched human capacity, limited regional philanthropic resources, and the ever-increasing cost of sustaining live theatrical productions. For those of you who are still asking why, a more detailed perspective can be found here on our website.
Above all we want to steward remaining funds and our relationships with transparency and good faith. We are committed to closing ethically and responsibly and with a focus on advocating for the remaining powerful and important arts organizations in our community.
So what’s next?
- Our education programs will continue through the end of the school year. Including day camps during Baltimore City professional development days and Spring Break.
- We are gathering stories to celebrate our 15 year history to be shared on our website and social media. Share your memories by clicking here!
- We are advocating for a more sustainable and healthy arts industry and will be releasing a case study of SCT’s work.
- Stay tuned for a date and invitation to a send-off party this spring!
We are profoundly grateful to Baltimore for all you have done for us, especially in recent years. Our mission will always be rooted in our philosophical foundation – “The day is coming when a single carrot freshly observed, will set off a revolution.”
– The Carrots