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A lot happened on the internet this week.
Joyce J. Scott retrospective at the BMA, 2023 Grit Fund Awardees, the Scape must go on, take a look / it's in a (Baltimore) book (store), Baltimore's Billie Holiday, and more reporting from Baltimore Fishbowl, Baltimore Magazine, Hyperallergic, and other local and independent news sources.
The internet was yet again a mess this week.
This week's news includes: It's all about the infrastructure with Fluid Movement, Smithsonian American Art Fellowship Program receives funding from Frankenthaler Foundation, BOPA rules against Ja Rule, East City Art reviews two DC shows, the Poe must go on, and more!
The internet was messy this week!
The internet had me exhausted this week.
Sondheim Finalists at The Walters, BMA Exhibits Baltimore Artists, What is Artscape's Plan?, The City that Reads, Muddy Waters in Baltimore, New/Next Film Fest Announces Films and Parties, the Beef with Atlas Group, and more reporting from local and independent sources.
The internet was hectic this week.
Ernest Shaw's portrait of Thurgood Marshall, More layoffs possible at MICA, New Director at WPADC, Akea Brionne at CPM, New Baltimore Clayworks Resident Artists, Arts Every Day Mural, finding space as a small theater, an arepa cookbook, and more...
I was exasperated by the internet this week.
The BMA adds more that 100 objects to their collection, Bishme Cromartie returns to the runway, Landis Expandis benefit concert, MCAAHC's statement on SCOTUS and Affirmative Action, New Film Festival in Baltimore, AVAM Summer Film Series, Hazel Dickens’ documentary, and Duckpin Bowling
WHAT A WEEK! The Supreme Court said "fuck it" this week.
Fourth of July in Baltimore, Cherry Hill Festival, Ghost Signs, Toki Ramen Billboards, the BMA acquires LaToya Ruby Frazier’s More Than Conquerors, Mayor signs new LGBtQIA+ Protections at Pride, LGBTQ Hip Hop, Afrofuturism with Myrtis and Terri Lee Freeman, and Vee Vee Majesty Story Time
The internet was chaotic this week!
Union unity at The Walters, behind the scenes of Church bar, the Brooklyn Museum names BMA's Darienne (Dare) Turner its first-ever full-time curator of Indigenous art, Baltimore Club music, MSGargaritas, an arepa cookbook from Alma Cocina, and more reporting...