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Baltimore news updates from independent & regional media

Joyce J. Scott retrospective at the BMA, 2023 Grit Fund Awardees, the Scape must go on, take a look / it's in a (Baltimore) book (store), Baltimore's Billie Holiday, and more reporting from Baltimore Fishbowl, Baltimore Magazine, Hyperallergic, and other local and independent news sources.

Local Couple Launches Boat-for-Hire Offering Unique Ways to Admire Baltimore and Family Discounts

Captain Bobby and First Mate Alicia have created a unique opportunity and are building a market for their love of sailing while highlighting the history and beauty of Baltimore. Boat Baltimore’s season began May 5th and runs until the last Friday of October.

The best weekly art openings, events, and calls for entry happening in Baltimore and surrounding areas.

This Week:  Kim Rice + Paul Rucker open house at Connect + Collect, Katie O'Keefe virtual artist talk presented by Baltimore Jewelry Center, Kindred FX Film Screening featuring  Courtney Lee-Mitchell at the Lewis Museum, Youth-in-Business Fashion Show at Jubilee Arts, and more!

From a Memorial for Victims of State Violence to Marxist Chickens, Abigail Lucien, Nekisha Durrett, and Kyrae Dawaun aren't Afriaid to get Political

Exhibition of the 2023 Sondheim Finalists at The Walters: Abigail Lucien, Nekisha Durrett, and Kyrae Dawaun   Introduction   In the 18th annual Janet & Walter Sondheim Award Finalists Exhibition, ...

Highlights: Lizzo, O’Shae Sibley, Henrietta Lacks, the Shakurs, country music, Halle, Doja Cat, Cardi B, Hoochie Daddies, and competitive eating. 

The internet was yet again a mess this week.

Abundance Ripening in the Sun: Sunday Farmers Market Photos by Jill Fannon

Baltimore’s Farmer’s Market Under the JFX - Plus a Summer Gazpacho Recipe

Baltimore news updates from independent & regional media

This week's news includes: It's all about the infrastructure with Fluid Movement, Smithsonian American Art Fellowship Program receives funding from Frankenthaler Foundation, BOPA rules against Ja Rule, East City Art reviews two DC shows, the Poe must go on, and more!

A Photographer and Filmmaker on the Rituals of Image Creation

One of McKone’s pieces from first last light is on view through August 12 in Richmond, VA as part of Candela’s Gallery’s annual juried and invitational show UnBound12!

The best weekly art openings, events, and calls for entry happening in Baltimore and surrounding areas.

This Week:  Alberto Cavalieri artist talk with AIA Baltimore + Catalyst Contemporary, Highlandtown First Friday Art Walk, First Fridays performance at the Lewis with Maimouna Youssef + WhoCamille, Jan Eveland and Sarah Magida artist talk at Creative Alliance, and more!

Envisioning a future that is better than our present in garments, images, and performance

For over a decade, Corona's work has touched on themes of displacement and arrival and their cyclical nature

Highlights: Sinéad O’Connor, Wanda Coleman, Amy Winehouse, Doja Cat, Ariana Grande, Cardi B and Offset, Jason Aldean, snow monkeys in Texas, aliens are real, and X. 

The internet was messy this week!

Climactic Chaos Couldn't Keep Cyclists from Closing Out June with a Defiant Celebration on Wheels

Bike Party meets on the last Friday of each month at St Mary’s Park on Paca Street, rain or shine.

At Mera Kitchen, the dialect is ever-expanding

The worker-owned business model was a no-brainer for the founding members, who understand that true democracy in the workplace cannot be achieved without access to ownership.

Cheng has expanded her art practice through clay and jewelry-making in recent years

Born in Hong Kong and raised in Vancouver and Hawaii as a child, the Baltimore-based artist says her study of conspiracism helps her to better understand American culture.

The best weekly art openings, events, and calls for entry happening in Baltimore and surrounding areas.

This Week:  Baltimore Clayworks' Wesley Brown virtual artist talk, closing reception for Mike McConnell at Hotel Indigo, Station North SIPS, Kyrae Dawaun, Nekisha Durrett, + Abigail Lucien Sondheim Finalists artist talks at The Walters, and more!

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