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A new exhibition of romance novel cover art at McDaniel College celebrates the popularity of the genre.
Baltimore's membership models for cultural organizations are an excellent way to keep the venues we love afloat and sustainable.
Governor Moore’s proposal overlooks how crucial the arts have been to Maryland’s prosperity—and how pivotal they will remain in the future. Let us not turn our backs on the very policies that made Maryland a national model for the creative economy.
This week, Baltimore's creative scene was profiled in Le Figaro, France's oldest newspaper, but the concept of a "Baltimore Renaissance" is false.
The Foundation Celebrates its 60th Anniversary as Director Melissa Warlow Retires After 35 Years of Service
Creative production is good for us. Those of us engaged in the arts have intuitively known this fact for ages, but the scientific studies and resulting evidence synthesized in the book Your Brain on Art: How the Arts Transform Us drive the point home with hardcore data.
Our team at BmoreArt would like to take this moment to celebrate the positive as we look back to all we have accomplished together this year.
"I’m getting a living stipend, health insurance… it’s a support structure and resources for the parts of my practice that maybe aren’t even contained within the program."
We’re happy to share our picks for what’s worthwhile (and hacks for making it all a little more manageable) as the adult children of Miami Beach residents. We’ve already been in town for a week, checking out the local galleries and museum shows while plotting our fair itineraries.
Baltimore offers a plethora of opportunities to catch high-brow performances at Natty Boh prices. Classical music aficionado Todd Morman shares his top picks, from season subscriptions to free concerts.
Maryland Cannot Afford to Turn the US Senate into Republican Control
The Baltimore August Wilson Celebration is a unique opportunity to see Wilson’s entire cycle, in historical order, in only three seasons.
First Lady Dawn Moore and the Maryland State Arts Council (MSAC) today announced the appointment of Lady Brion as Maryland’s 11th Poet Laureate in a ceremony at the Clifton House in Baltimore.
Berry will curate and promote the new art gallery’s rotating series of exhibitions exploring the intersection of arts and democracy that will be free and open to the public.
Organized by Maryland Citizens for the Arts (MCA) and supported by its partners like GBCA, advocates raised their voices to protest cuts to MSAC funding and sent thousands of emails to elected officials.