
BmoreArt’s Picks: January 26 – February 1

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This Week: We are featuring online events that you can participate in from the comfort of your own couch plus a few calls for entry to get involved locally and nationally. Stay home, stay healthy, stay engaged in the arts.

BmoreArt’s Picks presents the best weekly art openings, events, and performances happening in Baltimore and surrounding areas. For a more comprehensive perspective, check the BmoreArt Calendar page, which includes ongoing exhibits and performances, and is updated on a daily basis.

To submit your calendar event, email us at [email protected]!



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We’ll send you our top stories of the week, selected event listings, and our favorite calls for entry—right to your inbox every Tuesday.



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The Nature of Things | Arthur Jedson Smalley on Artmaking (film)
presented by Catalyst Contemporary

Set against the background of a picturesque Baltimore County farm, The Nature of Things takes viewers into the studio of visual artist Arthur Jedson Smalley as he begins a painting on the floor of his barn-loft studio. Smalley speaks about creativity, influences, materials, and passion in this succinct documentary. Images of his paintings and sculptures are interspersed between shots of the bucolic farm, the artist at work, and Smalley waxing poetic from his studio desk. Deeply talented, generous, and eloquent, Smalley takes us along on his creative journey revealing the labor, transcendence, and joy of artmaking.



Across the West and Toward the North: Norwegian and American Landscape Photography
Ongoing through April 24
@ Towson University Galleries

This traveling exhibition examines images from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, a historical moment when once remote wildernesses were first surveyed, catalogued, photographed, and developed on both sides of the Atlantic. It demonstrates how photographers in the two countries provided new ways of seeing the effects of mapping and exploration: infrastructure changes, the exploitation of natural resources, and the influx of tourism. As of February 9, gallery open to TU on-campus community by appointment via [email protected]. Onlne soon at



“¡Printing the Revolution!” Virtual Conversation Series | Cross-Generational Mentorship and Influence
Tuesday, January 26 • 6:30pm
presented by Smithsonian American Art Museum

Chicanx artistic exchanges and mentorships across generations grow out of an ongoing and mutual commitment to empower marginalized communities and support global liberation struggles. This cross-generational panel features artists included in ¡Printing the Revolution! who have worked in the Bay Area together using their artwork as a vehicle for international solidarity and social change. Participants include Juan Fuentes, a renowned printmaker and activist, who was the former executive director of Mission Gráfica at the Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts, one of the major print centers dedicated to transnational artistic exchange; and Dignidad Rebelde (Jesus Barraza and Melanie Cervantes), an artistic collective based in Oakland, California. Their artwork highlights support for Indigenous rights, Palestinian solidarity, and the Black Lives Matter movement. The panel will be moderated by Terezita Romo, an art historian, curator, and a lecturer and affiliate faculty member at the University of California, Davis. Romo is also contributor to the ¡Printing the Revolution! catalogue.

Image Credit: Juan Fuentes, South African Women’s Day, 1978, offset lithograph on paper, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Gift of Gilberto Cárdenas and Dolores García, 2019.51.5, ©1978, Juan R Fuentes



Geopolitical Games | Exhibition Opening
Nightly viewings • 6-10pm | Ongoing through February 20
@ Collect + Connect Gallery

BmoreArt’s Connect+Collect Gallery presents a video installation by Miguel Braceli in its newly installed digital window gallery.

“Geopolitical Games,” is a participatory project by artist Miguel Braceli that will begin screening Tuesday, January 26.

Geopolitical Games started in 2020 as project to enhance diversity and unity in the context of an electoral year, the movements for social justice, and the increasing polarization in The US. A series of performances aims to stimulate these values through conversations and playful interactions between different people across the East Coast. In Geopolitical Games we approach a North American imaginary of deflated nationalisms, a national identity built through open play, and political systems sustained in a citizen exchange. The project continues in a post-electoral year amid a national struggle demanding justice and equality.
This video is part of Braceli’s “Geopolitics of the body,” a series of performances that creates dialogue between people and place, inviting reflections on issues of migration, national identity and social fractures. The video was originally exhibited in October 2020 at CulturalDC’s Source Theatre in Washington DC as part of Connect+Collect Gallery Coordinator Teri Henderson’s SUBVERSIONS project. To screen this video in Baltimore post presidential election and post transferring of power is an indication of hope, healing and reconciliation.

From Jan. 26 through Feb. 20, “Geopolitical Games” will be on view nightly from 6 to 10 p.m. at BmoreArt’s Connect+Collect Gallery, 2519 North Charles Street.

About Miguel Braceli:

Braceli is a multidisciplinary artist working at the intersection of art, architecture and education. His practice focuses on participatory projects in public space. Most of these projects have been large scale works, developed in countries such as Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Costa Rica, México, Spain, Sweden, the United States and Venezuela. These works explore notions of borders, migrations, national identities and social-political conflicts, working from the geopolitical geography to a human scale.

He has exhibited in galleries, biennials, and important group shows in Latin America, Europe, and the U.S. Braceli is also Associate Professor in the Faculty of Architecture at the Universidad Central de Venezuela and has led participatory and educational projects with institutions such as the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Museum of Fine Arts of Caracas and the U.S. and Spanish embassies in Venezuela. He has been a visiting professor in Schools of Architecture from Umeå University in Sweden, Catholic University of Chile and University of Zulia in Venezuela. He is currently a Fulbright Scholar working and living in the U.S.

Image: Video installation at CulturalDC’s Source Theatre in Washington, DC by Miguel Braceli, curated by Teri Henderson, and presented by Cultural DC.



The Business of Arts Networking Series
Thursday, January 28 – Friday, January 29
sponsored by BOPA

Join the Baltimore Office of Promotion & The Arts (BOPA) for the 2021 launch of The Business of Arts Networking Series. This quarterly virtual program supports emerging artists and creatives in Baltimore City by providing professional development, networking, performance and showcasing opportunities, and, technical support grants (available annually depending on funding). The first round of programming and performances takes places on Thursday, January 28 and Friday, January 29, 2021 and is focused on The Art of Branding and Marketing Yourself Successfully, with sessions hosted by Baltimore artists Shae Li, Jazmin Washington and Abdu Ali, and a performance from Brandon Kanion. Learn more and register for January’s programming at The Business of Arts Networking Series is sponsored in part by the Maryland State Arts Council (MSAC) and Bank of America.

The Business of Arts Networking Series also offers Professional Development Mini Grants, designed to support individual artists/creatives across various disciplines in pursuit of deepening their knowledge and strengthening their professional practice. The Professional Development Mini Grants application is available here and applications are due by Sunday, January 31, 2021. Funding for the BOA Networking Series Mini Grants is made possible by the Maryland State Arts Council (MSAC).

Additionally, the Business of Arts Networking Series offers Artist Showcases, performance opportunities for artists/creatives to showcase their talent with a BOPA produced mini-concert. Mini concerts will be shot and performed live, edited and promoted for rebroadcast across all of our social media. Artists will be compensated a small stipend for their participation. The Artist Showcase application is available here and applications are due by Friday, February 12, 2021.

For more information about The Business of Arts Networking Series and to apply for the Professional Development Mini Grant and the Artist Showcase, please visit

The Business of Arts Networking Series January 2021:

The Art of Branding and Marketing Yourself Successfully

Mastering THE LOOK and Defining Your Personal Style as an Artist

Thursday, January 28, 2021, 5:30 – 6:30 PM (led by Shae Li)

Register Here

Building Your Personal Brand Successfully on Social Media

Thursday, January 28, 2021, 6:30 – 7:30 PM (led by Jazmin Washington)

Register Here

Defining a Space and Agency for Marginalized Artists

Friday, January 29, 2021, 6:30 – 7:30 PM (led by Abdu Ali)

Register Here

Mini Casual Concert Series:

Friday, January 29, 2021, 8:00-8:30 PM (performance by Brandon Kanion)

Streaming on BOPA’s Facebook and YouTube.



Guidelines Vol. 2 | Artist Talk
Thursday, January 28 • 7-8pm
sponsored by Baltimore Jewelry Center

Join us for a special event online!

Email us at for the Zoom link, be sure to mention Guidelines in the subject.



VisArts Virtual Reception January 2021
Friday, January 29 • 5-7pm
presented by VisArts

Our Virtual Reception, taking place Friday, January 22, 2021 from 5:00-7:00 PM, includes artist talks by new exhibiting artists Antonio McAfee, Edgar Reyes, Khánh H. Lê and Kim Sandara.



Looking at Leadership | Virtual Artists’ Reception
Saturday, January 30 • 5pm | Ongoing through March 5
presented by Gormley Gallery

On view: January 25 through March 5, 2021 by appointment only – email [email protected] to schedule a visit

Virtual artists’ reception: Saturday, January 30, 5:00 pm EST
View a virtual version of the exhibition and register for the reception at

Gormley Gallery at Notre Dame of Maryland University presents “Looking at Leadership,” curated by Sarah B. McCann. This exhibition celebrates the values of people who have provided light, inspiration, and a path forward during these challenging times. Leaders who have stepped up where there have been voids, replacing ignorance, greed, and fear with courage, care, strength, and vision. Artists included in this exhibition created work about leaders and/or the values needed to lead. That which is necessary to move the needle forward toward communities that care for all, are just, and support liberation and freedom. And leaders who inspire others to grow and change.

Featuring artwork by:

Colin Campbell
Jeanne Chapple
Cheryl Curtis
Raul Rene Gonzalez
Jo Hannah
Benjamin Jancewicz
Sarah Kaltwasser
Ken Krafchek
Megan Lewis
Lauren R. Lyde
Paula Phillips
Gina Pierleoni
Christine Stiver



SAVE THE DATE: Connect+Collect Zoom Discussion with Kim Rice, Jeffrey Kent, and Krista Green
Thursday, February 4 • 6:30 pm
Zoom Link to Register here.

Read more about the exhibition at BmoreArt in our review by Rebekah Kirkman.

Join BmoreArt for a Connect+Collect Zoom with artist Kim Rice, whose exhibition, “Inheritance,” at The Peale was named one of BmoreArt’s 10 Best of 2020. Rice will be joined by Krista D. Green, the Chief Administrative Officer at The Peale and BmoreArt’s Jeffrey Kent, who curated the exhibition in his role as Artistic Director at The Peale, and Cara Ober.

Rice’s large mixed-media installations tackle issues of white supremacy and privilege through personal narratives, historic family accounts, and collective stories centered around media, government policy, and economic programs. Exhibited at The Peale, the oldest museum building in the USA, Rice’s work engages directly with Baltimore’s history of inequity through hand cut maps, immersive collages, and provocative text.


Calls for Entry // Opportunities

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Arts & Drafts | Call for Artists
deadline February 1
sponsored by Baltimore County Arts Guild

This family-friendly event will feature 60+ juried artists, live music and vendors, including local artists, emerging artists and regional musicians at the Guinness Open Gate Brewery.



Language | Call for Exhibition
deadline February 7
sponsored by LoosenArt

Language is a code, “a system of conventional symbols” that we use to communicate a message, an intention, a will, a wish, a desire, but also to share thoughts, ideas and to exchange opinions.

Language is variable, flexible possibly based on precise rules. It can be understood, misunderstood or it can cause barriers. It can be spoken, written, painted, reproduced, fragmented, or even destroyed.

This call would like to gather digital artworks, pictures and videos that are able to represent the multifaceted world of languages, their features and contradictions.



Fauna | Call for Submissions
deadline February 7
sponsored by SE Center for Photography

Fauna- all the animal life of a particular region. We live with animals daily – wildlife, farmed, caged or free, many are our best friends, some we fear, yet others we admire. Whether it walks, flies, crawls, slithers, swims, the SE Center wants your best animal images.

Our juror for Fauna is Carol Erb. Erb was born and raised in Kalamazoo, Michigan. The artist attended the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, where she studied painting, drawing and printmaking, subsequently receiving a BA from DePaul University.

35-40 Selected images will hang in the SE Center’s main gallery space for approximately one month with the opportunity to be invited for a solo show at a later date. In addition, selected images are featured in the SE Center social media accounts (FB, IG, Twitter) and an archived, online slide show. A video walkthrough of each exhibition is also featured and archived.



2021 The Business of Arts Networking Series Artist Showcase Application
deadline February 12
sponsored by BOPA

The Baltimore Office of Promotion & the Arts presents The Business of Arts Networking Series 2021.  This program was launched in 2019 and created to support and cultivate emerging creatives in the city by providing professional guidance, performance, and showcase opportunities for emerging  artists/creatives in the city. The program is comprised of four components: Networking events, webinars, performance and showcasing opportunities, and technical support grants (annually if funding is available.)  Funding for the BOA Networking Series is provided by Bank of America and The Maryland State Arts Council.

BOPA is excited to offer performance opportunities for artists/creatives during this unprecedented time in a safe and healthy manner.  During each quarter we’re providing opportunities for artists/creatives to showcase their talent with a BOPA produced mini- concert or showcase. These showcases are limited to the performing artists ( musicians, soloists, dancers, poets..etc.). Mini concerts will be recorded during a multi- camera shoot, edited, and promoted for broadcast across all of our social media as the finale presentation during our quarterly programming. Artists will be compensated a small stipend for their participation.

The Baltimore Office of Promotion & The Arts is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization which serves as Baltimore City’s arts council, film office, and events agency. By producing major city events and providing funding and support to artists, arts programs and organizations across the city, BOPA’s goal is to make Baltimore a more vibrant and creative city.


Applications Open    Jan 13th 2021

Applications Close    Feb 12th 2021

Applicants Notified    Rolling basis


Applicants must have at least 1 year of paid professional experience in a specified arts related field and be practicing in Baltimore City. Arts and cultural organizations may not apply.

These mini grants are designed to provide support for emerging and mid-career artists to pursue short-term opportunities to upgrade their knowledge and skills. These funds can be used for but are not limited to the following: short courses (non degree), certificate training, virtual conference purchases, purchase of artistic supplies and/or equipment, licensing fees, website maintenance, logo domain purchases, headshots, etc.

Applicants must 

  • Be a resident(s) of Baltimore City
  • Must be 18 years of age or older.
  • Must have at least one year of professional experience as a performing artist.
  • Selected artists must complete a BOPA Media Release form. By signing the form applicants grant permission for BOPA to film, record,and broadcast performances.


Applicants may only submit one online application.  

Completed applications will be reviewed on the dates noted above, and applicants will be notified of the results within a month after the application deadline. Please note this is a highly competitive process.  Applications will be reviewed and scored by industry professionals. BOPA staff will make the final decisions on artist selections for each showcase.

For more information please contact Devin Shacklett ph: 443-956-2032 or email: [email protected].



4th Annual Merriweather District Artists-in-Residence Program | Call for Applications
deadline February 22
sponsored by The Howard Hughes Corporation

The Howard Hughes Corporation®, is now accepting applications for its fourth annual 2021 Merriweather District Artists-in-Residence (MD AIR) program in Downtown Columbia, MD. In collaboration with the Howard County Arts Council (HCAC), up to four artists or teams will be selected from submitted entries and provided with a stipend of $10,000 each to spend four to six weeks, from July 5, 2021 to August 31, 2021, creating a work of art in a medium of their choosing. Artists are encouraged to focus on the relationship between art and technology in responding to the MD AIR Call for Entry, which is being disseminated nation-wide.

The 2021 MD AIR program will include residencies in the following areas:

Contemporary Art x Technology Artist (3 Artists):

The MD AIR program will select up to three artists who specifically produce work that integrate art, innovation and technology. The highest priority will be given to artists who work within this medium.

Music x Technology Artist (1 Artist):

The music and technology residency is specifically for an artist who has a direct focus in music creation, production, and performance. Inspired by the rich musical history that has happened on the stage at Merriweather Post Pavilion, this residency is supported by Soulful Symphony.

A shared studio will be provided to the selected artists, with a small communal lounge and eating area provided within the studio. Participants must agree to comply with any masking and social distancing requirements. Residential accommodations will be provided within walking distance of the provided studio space

The MD AIR program is in its fourth year of what will be an annual program providing an opportunity for artists to spend nearly two months in the midst of an evolving urban center at the vanguard of walkable communities that both nurture and catalyze creativity, vibrancy, and equity.

MD AIR applications will remain open until Monday, February 22, 2021. For further information and to apply, visit

Howard County Arts Council

The Howard Hughes Corporation is collaborating with the Howard County Arts Council to present the MD AIR program.  The Howard County Arts Council is a model multi-purpose arts agency that supports a wide variety of programs and opportunities that advance artistic development in Howard County.  In addition to providing expertise and advice, the Arts Council will have a representative on the artist selection panel, administer the on-line selection process and assist with MD AIR open studio activities. For more information, visit

About The Howard Hughes Corporation

The Howard Hughes Corporation owns, manages and develops commercial, residential and mixed-use real estate in 14 states, including Maryland, where it is developing Downtown Columbia. For more information, visit



ARTsites 2021 | Call for Artists + Sites
deadline February 27
sponsored by The Howard County Arts Council

The Howard County Arts Council (HCAC) announces ARTsites 2021, a multi-site public art initiative. HCAC is looking for artists with large-scale sculpture that is fit for year-long outdoor display as well as publicly-accessible outdoor areas in Howard County to display the sculpture.

About ARTsites:

ARTsites 2021 is a year-long public art exhibit that will take place at up to twelve sites throughout Howard County from August 2021-July 2022. Sites and artwork will be selected from submissions by a panel of arts and public art professionals. The goal of ARTsites 2021 is to make art more accessible to the local community by placing sculpture at sites throughout Howard County. The sculptures will serve as visual anchor points that will enhance and activate community spaces.

Call for Artists:

Artists with public art experience may submit up to six existing works for consideration, or propose new work with proper concept drawings and/or models. Sculpture should have a strong visual impact and must be of a scale suitable for outdoor display; of sound design, free-standing, and suitable for public viewing; and able to withstand an outdoor, high-traffic, unmonitored environment with little or no maintenance. Selected artists will receive a grant of $3,000 for the temporary loan of the work, insurance, installation and de-installation. There is no fee to enter.

Call for Sites:

All community, commercial and public sites in Howard County are eligible to apply. Sites must be visible and accessible to the public. Sites should consider that public art should be placed where it will enhance and activate the space; where it will be highly visible; where it will create a place to congregate or be in a location that experiences a high amount of pedestrian traffic; and where it will not block windows, entranceways, etc. Preference will be given to sites that have, or are willing to install at their own expense, a concrete pad for the sculpture, though some sculpture may be appropriate for lawn sites.

Complete guidelines and submission information are available in the Exhibit Opportunities section of the HCAC website at, at the Howard County Center for the Arts, or by calling 410-313-2787. Deadline for all submissions is February 26, 2021.



header image: Edgar Reyes, opening at VisArts in Rockville, MD

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