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Will Holman on the intersection of Engineering and Aesthetics with Evan Roche and Harrison Tyler In 1981, Tracy Kidder won the Pulitzer Prize for The Soul of a New Machine, which ...
Learning How to Price Your Work is One of the Most Confusing Aspects of Being an Artist
Baltimore can get grim in late autumn, with matte gray skies and lingering cold rain. One recent such afternoon, the sun just going down, I came to an address provided ...
The Erin Cluley Gallery is now open in Dallas, TX with work on display by René Treviño and Jimmy Joe Roche
Bathgate’s body of work is comprised of intricately machined metal sculptures that represent the combination of his unique metalworking style with a pragmatic, logistics-based approach to engineering complex metal objects.
A Korean-American Artist and a Baltimore-born Architect Buy a Studio Building Together in Korea Town
I believe that the only way that artists can avoid real estate victimhood is to own it.
Once a graduate starts paying their student loans, what once seemed like a great idea can become tinged with regret. And poverty.
I didn’t know anybody who had been on a residency, and I didn’t know how to get one myself, but I knew I wanted one. I had to figure it out.
While most Baltimore artists are now familiar with The Rubys, the new artist grants designed to “support the region’s gems” with up to ten thousand dollars per project, few are ...
Recently, Edward Winkleman addressed the question, “ Are Artists with Day Jobs Serious?” In response to a mega-gallery assistant director dismissing artists with day jobs as hobbyists, he wrote, “Until ...
Introduction: Just for the record, this is the first EVER Gertrude Stein Questionnaire completed by a couple! And it's adorable. Lynn and Ben are both based here in Baltimore ...
“I have a philosophy of continued improvement,” Marciari-Alexander says.
On the eve of the first Artist U's Free Intensive Workship in Baltimore, titled 'building a sustainable life as an artist,' Founder and Director Andrew Simonet agreed to have a conversation ...
Most artists are emerging artists - for their entire career. This is perfectly normal.