The Multi Media Event is one of MICA’s must-see annual highlights, where student artists combine garments, sculpture, puppetry, and performance into a gesamtkunstwerk spectacle. This year, three shows spread across Friday, April 21st and Saturday, April 22nd transported audience members “to rich and unique dimensions resplendent with distinctive characters, languages, and mythologies.”
Marla Parker, the instructor who coordinates the program, explains: “The Experimental Fashion Minor’s capstone classes, Multi Media Event I & II, represent the culmination of two semesters’ research, work, study, and imagination. Offered by the Fiber Department, the Multi Media event is a fifteen-year tradition that showcases garment, performance, and work on the body. The MME class tasks its students with two major hurdles. First, they develop a body of physical work in preparation for the live performance, and secondly, they conceptualize and direct the event itself.”
According to Parker, six MME students worked across departments in a truly collaborative way to create this year’s show. “Jay Gould’s fall and spring Studio Lighting classes immortalize these worlds in the beautiful program and branding system designed by students Yoon Joo Cho and Ashley Zhang,” she says. “This immersive experience would be incomplete without media projections designed by Nico De Cardenas.”
Parker explains that the “magic of Wormhole happens when the work becomes greater than the sum of its individual parts, a tribute to cross-disciplinary practice and collaboration. As a former MME student myself, it has been a great privilege and honor to facilitate this year’s production and its tremendous students. Unique visions like theirs are required to build our future world.”